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High Winds&Torrential Rain

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It was a tad breezy here last night. There's stuff thrown all over my garden, well there always is but it's not where I left it!


Today we had a good amount of sleet - settled on the roads up on the hills and was pretty chilly! In fact it's been lashing down for most of the day but I did really well to miss it!


I loaded the van with soil first thing and just as I got into the van it lashed down. Rained all the way to the tip and then stopped when I got there so I unloaded in the dry. Then I got some gravel and drove all the way back to the job in the rain, it stopped while I shovelled that off and then chucked it down again as I was heading home! So I have an outdoor job, did a full day and didn't get wet! :good::D

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Calmish in Cheshire too.

We've had slates blown off (we are exposed) in 70 mph winds but this is kids play at the moment (6.30pm), I'd guess at 20-30 mph with slightly higher gusts - maybe 45mph. Horribly cold and a bit of rain but large accumulations of snow forecast. Be prepared warning for us and the whole world it seems.

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about 8.30 this morning hale stones came down that hard that the roads down are way were covered and it instantly turned to ice...Had a call from the Mrs to pick her up after dropping the kids to school due to the hale stones coming down so hard.

I must of spent the next 40 mins driving around saving young mothers in the need of rescueing :lol::lol: I mean when a blonde is in distress you just have to assist :D:lol::lol::lol:

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The last couple of years we have been snowed in and I have had to hike to the shop. It's only five miles, but with a 50L backpack, bum bag AND dragging a sledge makes it fun. The real fun part is the last couple of hundred yards, which is the steepest bit. Either I stick to the lane and deal with the ice (overflow from the field run-off/spring), or plow through the drifts in the fields.

I made the run a couple of times last year and decided to cheer myself up with a swig or five from the Crabbies mulled ginger wine bottle. I was pleasantly weed by the time I got home :blink:

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The last couple of years we have been snowed in and I have had to hike to the shop. It's only five miles, but with a 50L backpack, bum bag AND dragging a sledge makes it fun. The real fun part is the last couple of hundred yards, which is the steepest bit. Either I stick to the lane and deal with the ice (overflow from the field run-off/spring), or plow through the drifts in the fields.

I made the run a couple of times last year and decided to cheer myself up with a swig or five from the Crabbies mulled ginger wine bottle. I was pleasantly weed by the time I got home :blink:


A bum bag??? how much shopping can you carry in it?

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A bum bag??? how much shopping can you carry in it?


Many years ago, I jiggered my spine and couldn't take a proper backpack and found that a bumbag was OK. It holds 17 liters in the main compartment and has two bottle holders on the ends (which cam in handy for the ginger wine bottles :blush:

It also has external straps which mean I could strap my jacket to it when I got all sweaty.

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