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sloe gin


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Mine is a seriously rich, Burgundy colour, and I tried it a few days back, filtered and brilliantly clear.


I actually still have more on the go, if I get a chance I try different concentrations of Sloes, sugar, and "fermenting" time.


Never done anything but GIN, but following several comments a month or two back I will try them with different spirits as well next year.


Mine tastes great to me, my lad thinks it is sweet, I think its great, but I would wouldn't I! :lol::lol:



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Right, I've made a couple of batches so far. The first one with slightly under-ripe (huge) sloes and it tastes fantastic - just like sloe gin should :yes: . It needed a touch more sugar, but that's it. It's darker than Holly's, but still a deep rose colour and I'm already halfway down the first bottle :blush:


The second batch is made from sloes from the same tree as the first, but the sloes were almost black, being picked a few weeks later. It's still in a kilner (on the fruit) and had a taste last week. It obviously needed more sugar, which I added (about 1/4lb in a 1.5 litre kilner. That improved it a bit, and I've shaken it every day since.


Had a taste again this morning and it's still really dry - like tasting a sloe fresh from the bush :oops: . I've added loads more sugar, but it's still 'mouth-drying'. I'm tempted to just rack it off the fruit and keep adding sugar or should I split the batch with more gin? Any ideas?

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still got 2 litres og gin and 1 lite of vodka on the go that not strained off but strained the other 2 litres a bit early as a deal for someone and think I did not put enough sugar or sloes in as still got a bit of a kick for me...but the lass tried it and thought it was lovely


Tried a sample of what you sent me leed schimp, wife says Hic! yummy

Tastes good to me even though I'm a nats off of TT.

Cheers for the deal leeds chimp :good:

and a happy hic christmas to all

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Dry gin is dry has there is no sugar in it, heard it on the radio 4 food programe at dinner today ,the topic was Gin. any one got a good sloe gin recipe ? cheers



We all have different tastes so probably a good idea to stick with a basic recipe to start with, adjust it to your taste/liking over the years! The Sloes will vary from year to year as well, so to will the flavour depending on the growing season and time you pick, but lets not complicate things.


Couldn't be much easier really, but it will stain your fingers! :yes::lol::good:

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Dry gin is dry has there is no sugar in it, heard it on the radio 4 food programe at dinner today ,the topic was Gin. any one got a good sloe gin recipe ? cheers

the pic in the first post is of a 1 1/2 ltr vodka bottle scrounged from my local, sloes added approx 4" ,100g of sugar ,then fill with gin :good:

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