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Cabinet question


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Let them know because it will be on record that you have a 3 gun safe . They will come to check it if you go over its capacity . That's just in case you stick one under the bed . If you inform them it's upto their discretion if they check it or not . that advise cam from my FEO

It's better to be upfront then they can't hold anything against you

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I spoke to mine on this when we where out shooting his exact words where 'well done you, we approved a storage plan now you just keep them secure and we'll be happy'


I just added a not when I bought the extra gun that a new cabinet had been fitted in the same way next to the old one never heard anything until my renewal when they looked at both

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  • 2 weeks later...

slightly off topic but im 14 and will be soon applying for my SGC and was wondering im not sure whether in the future when im 15 or so i will be gifted a shotgun but even if i plan not to do i still need to have a cabinet in place when the FEO comes to visit or not. :hmm:


This can depend on your FEO, some prefer a cabinate to be in place before they will grant you a SGC, while in others they grant the licence then before you buy a gun cabinate. Then when you want to buy a gun they will come out and inspect the cabinate. You will need to talk to your FEO to seek his / her opinion for your area.

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Agree with the above, that was the advice I was given, my son just got his SGC at 15,be aware some areas will only issue you a cert at that age if where you want to shoot insists on cert holders only, that your not able to go round accompanied by SGC holder.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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got my sgc bowt 3-4 months ago and had my cabinate in place ready to be inspected which was lucky due to the large back log of applications they had, they were taking up to 7months(in my case) to sign off on sgc and told me they were glad it was in place ready so they didn't have to come back agen. also as far as i was aware from the police officer who inspected my cabinate, they record how many guns your cabinate holds and you carnt exceed that.

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also as far as i was aware from the police officer who inspected my cabinate, they record how many guns your cabinate holds and you carnt exceed that.

Not strictly too some forces will insist on additional security if you have more than X guns in the property.


However it is the cert holders responsibility to secure there guns securely.

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Not strictly too some forces will insist on additional security if you have more than X guns in the property.


However it is the cert holders responsibility to secure there guns securely.

i just did the easy way and had a 6 gun safe to start with :D and my dad has a 4 gun safe next to that so got room for a while as only got my lanber o/u and my mossberg pump at the moment.

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i just did the easy way and had a 6 gun safe to start with :D and my dad has a 4 gun safe next to that so got room for a while as only got my lanber o/u and my mossberg pump at the moment.

You may well find once you get close to 8-10 guns the FEO will insist on upgraded security. doesn't matter if you a 25 gun safe or a 3 gun. You have to store them responsibly.

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What a load of tosh, once again it seems many regions are making it up as they go along!


Gun storage is the holders responsibility, buying a 6 gun cabinet and putting 7 in it will not result in the armed response turning up, and the police don't give a fig how much damage you want to do to your guns ramming them in a smaller cabinet!


I have 3 Cabinets and have just been through my co-terminus renewal.


I had a visit from a Senior FEO who had to travel a LONG way to see me. Never seen the bloke before, asked to look at my guns, so we emptied two cabinets in different areas and he didn't even bother with the third.


This is the first time since my original grant anyone has looked at a gun or cabinet of mine, and I have moved twice in that period and bought two more cabinets.


After my last move, and advising change of address details, I had a phone call asking if I had installed the Cabinet/s, upon replying yes the conversation ended!


Two renewals and several variations later the guy actually looked at a few of my guns, never said a word about the cabinets!


Wouldn't it be nice if all the regions could sing from the same hymn sheet!

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