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Pheasant hunting and trapping


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a lot of keepers catch up hens for breeding next seasons birds.


True, but the title of the thread and wording of the OP doesn't suggest that's what he's up to? :hmm: "Pheasant hunting and trapping", "has a pheasant problem or can't shoot". I might start knocking on a few keepers doors and volunteering to deal with their "pheasant problem", if they give me some free cartridges in lieu of payment for my services?

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The shoot I pick up at has a pheasant problem........... They've all bogged off!!!!! :lol:

Ha ha! This morning My friend commented on the shooting we were hearing, and the 50+ birds that sheltered in the woods, and in the trap. :lol: He ate well, So did I! well, we will after they're hanged! The people shooting were possibly the worst shots ever! :)

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All you need is a small pen made out of small wire pannels with ''funnel'' entrances on the ground baited up with plenty of corn and an electric fence around it to stop mr fox.... its illigal to take pheasants after 31st of jan though, :good: .


The last day of the season is Feb 1st fella. :good:

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All you need is a small pen made out of small wire pannels with ''funnel'' entrances on the ground baited up with plenty of corn and an electric fence around it to stop mr fox.... its illigal to take pheasants after 31st of jan though, :good: .


Game dealer I go to often had loads of cock pheasants in after the end of the season...(1st Feb by the way...unless you are in Northern Ireland), keepers trapped loads of birds for breeding and took out most of the cocks. Used to buy a few, no shot damage at all, their necks had been broken.

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