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Parker Hale mod on 17HMR?


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On my last outing with the HMR (Fortunately I was only shooting paper targets with another forum member at the time) I noticed that the group size was opening up a bit and it was getting a bit inaccurate. On inspection I found that the SAK mod that is currently fitted to the HMR is starting to burn out and needs replacing. (Quite simply put it is well by it's sell by date or more commonly known as kna***red!) My eventual intention is to fit a .17 calibre specific DM80 mod on the HMR but it will be a couple of weeks till I can put enough money by to get a brand new one (Still recovering from an expensive Christmas). In the mean time I am thinking of fitting a Parker Hale mod on to the HMR but before I go out and get one I would like to know if anyone uses this set up (Parker Hale mod on a 17HMR) and what they think of it.

Before anyone says why be a tight a**e and not get another SAK for the sake of a few quid extra to go on it please let me explain:

I realise that the SAK mod is better than the Parker Hale one but I will be putting the Parker Hale mod on to my .22LR when I get the DM80 as being a ".22 Browning Pumper" any mod of a larger diameter than the Parker Hale will not allow access to the tube mag without constantly having to remove the mod to reload it, which is what I would have to do with a SAK mod. If it were not for this I would have no hesitation in getting another SAK mod!


If anyone is currently using a Parker Hale moderator on their 17HMR I would welcome their views and opinions on it's performance please.

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i don't but a friend of mine had one on his, it was a fair bit noisier but still accurate, so fill ya boots chap :good:

Thanks for the reply! When you say "a fair bit noisier" are you comparing the noise from the Parker Hale to the SAK mod please as even though this would only be a "temporary measure" I still have to consider the "noise factor"!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Thanks for the reply! When you say "a fair bit noisier" are you comparing the noise from the Parker Hale to the SAK mod please as even though this would only be a "temporary measure" I still have to consider the "noise factor"!

it's a bit noisier mate, not much in it as it'll crack whatever you use, but the sak mod has the edge so to speak. a parker hale is still better than nowt. :good:

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I have tried a Parker Hale, SAK, and DM80 moderator on my 17HMR, and I could'nt tell the difference between the first two, and very little, if any, with the DM80.

Parker Hale mod's are, in my opinion, very good value for money. They can be stripped right down,and are good quality.

Thanks for that info Steve, it is quite encouraging and could save me quite a few quid! :good: It looks like I will not loose anything by getting the Parker Hale as an "economy" mod for the time being and might even end up keeping it on the HMR if I find the same as you have! :yes:

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I think you can return your Sak and have it replaced for part cost if its burnt out??


I think I read this??? :hmm:


HTH Rich





Any SAK silencer of current manufacture, regardless of age or condition, will be replaced or reconditioned to new, including a new Warranty, if returned to Jackson Rifles with payment equal to 60% of the current retail price.


Got to be worth thinking about even if you intend to purchase a different mod!



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Any SAK silencer of current manufacture, regardless of age or condition, will be replaced or reconditioned to new, including a new Warranty, if returned to Jackson Rifles with payment equal to 60% of the current retail price.


Got to be worth thinking about even if you intend to purchase a different mod!



That really is very interesting and something that I wasn't aware of. I will call Jackson Rifles on Monday (Just tried but no answer so I guess they don't work on a Saturday) and see what they say, but I don't hold out too much hope as my mod is well over two years old and has had literally thousands of rounds through it so in fairness I have to allow for "fair wear and tear".

Thanks for pointing that out to us Dekers! :good::good:

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That really is very interesting and something that I wasn't aware of. I will call Jackson Rifles on Monday (Just tried but no answer so I guess they don't work on a Saturday) and see what they say, but I don't hold out too much hope as my mod is well over two years old and has had literally thousands of rounds through it so in fairness I have to allow for "fair wear and tear".

Thanks for pointing that out to us Dekers! :good::good:


I think we would all be interested to hear how you get on, I bought another SAK Yesterday, for a new rifle, and the quote is directly from the accompanying paperwork, but their guarantee arrangement has been in place for a long as I can remember.


I get the impression Jackson Rifles will help you out for virtually anything on the SAK!


Being realistic, as they are the UK importers and distributors, then I suspect it actually costs them Nothing to replace a broken SAK for 60% of the list price.


It's a Good deal for the consumer just the same!



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OK Guys, here at last is a quick update!

I spoke to Jackson Rifles on Monday and they said that they will always replace any SAK mod that is defective or burning out. You have to contact them and it will cost you around 60% of the RRP which works out at around £20.00 - You make the payment to them, send your defective SAK mod along with a photo copy of your FAC and they will send you a brand new one with a new Lifetime Warranty. That's not bad when you consider that mine has had a good few thousand rounds through it which I would (In all fairness) class as "fair wear and tear"! I will be sending mine in to get it replaced as I think that SAK mods are quite good value for money anyway.

With regards to the Parker Hale mod - A good friend gave me one that he had as a spare to use in the mean time - or until I get a DM80! Due to this wretched constantly wet weather recently I have only managed to get out today to zero the rifle up and try the Parker Hale mod. The rifle is back to it's old reliable self again and giving me a tight 1 inch group at 100 yards so all is fine there. The only comment I would make is that the Parker Hale does seem to make my 17HMR sound a little louder than the SAK mod used to - However, I have not tried listening to it while someone else is firing it a few yards away from me. At least it will tied me over until I get the SAK replaced and then wait to get a DM80.

Thanks for all of your feedback and thoughts on the matter. :good:

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OK Guys, here at last is a quick update!

I spoke to Jackson Rifles on Monday and they said that they will always replace any SAK mod that is defective or burning out. You have to contact them and it will cost you around 60% of the RRP which works out at around £20.00 - You make the payment to them, send your defective SAK mod along with a photo copy of your FAC and they will send you a brand new one with a new Lifetime Warranty. That's not bad when you consider that mine has had a good few thousand rounds through it which I would (In all fairness) class as "fair wear and tear"! I will be sending mine in to get it replaced as I think that SAK mods are quite good value for money anyway.

With regards to the Parker Hale mod - A good friend gave me one that he had as a spare to use in the mean time - or until I get a DM80! Due to this wretched constantly wet weather recently I have only managed to get out today to zero the rifle up and try the Parker Hale mod. The rifle is back to it's old reliable self again and giving me a tight 1 inch group at 100 yards so all is fine there. The only comment I would make is that the Parker Hale does seem to make my 17HMR sound a little louder than the SAK mod used to - However, I have not tried listening to it while someone else is firing it a few yards away from me. At least it will tied me over until I get the SAK replaced and then wait to get a DM80.

Thanks for all of your feedback and thoughts on the matter. :good:


Thanks for the update.


Just another plus for the SAK really, there is a reason (actually several reasons) it outsells every other rimfire mod in the UK by miles!



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Thanks for the update.


Just another plus for the SAK really, there is a reason (actually several reasons) it outsells every other rimfire mod in the UK by miles!



I can't disagree with a single word of that Dekers mate. The SAK mod is, in my opinion, one of the best rimfire mods available and at the price that they are new (£35 -£40 depending on where you get one) with a lifetimes warranty you just can't go wrong! I have always been very happy with the performance of the SAK mod on my 17HMR until the baffles started to burn out, but let's face it that would most likely happen with any other "budget" moderator after an awful lot of use. :yes::yes::yes:

As there is said to be very little difference noisewise between the DM80 and the SAK I might well save myself a fair few quid and just keep the HMR fitted with the new SAK mod when it arrives rather than spending somewhere around £80 on a DM80 for the HMR. At least that way it will give me a heads strat on saving up for a new DM80 to go on my .243! :good:

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