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Scotland to go it alone ?


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In my view only people in Scotland should vote, whatever nationality they maybe. Temporary expats and diaspora should not be entitled to vote.


As to your comment about Scots sitting in English constituencies if I were you I'd keep quiet as that could open up an interesting discussion with your new PW name "UKDoing puratory on the outskirts of Sheffield pending a move to FrancePoacher"........ :lol: Quite how you deem it hypocrisy I don't know?


What is hypocritical about moving to France? I'm not intending voting there or setting up as a Parliamentary Candidate. And, I shan't be continually crowing about how good the old country is like you Jocks who don't stay in Scotland but keep telling everyone how wonderful it is. :rolleyes:

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No you're not, I throw my vote away too!




I was going to ask if you're free for a spontaneous trip to Braidwoods but have too much

to do and can't really get away.


And it's a lovely day for it!





You have PM!


Watch out guys, the Scots are gathering :unsure:



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Him and the untold numbers on various Internet forums who defend Scotland to death but can't bring themselves to live there.


Let's fsce it; how can the SNP realistically say that English should not have a say in Scottish matters with all the Scottish MPs in England? They've been meddling in English Government for years.


Never mind the anniversary of Bannockburn. I think we should have the vote on April 17th :lol:

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I don't know a single person who wants this othe than the extremist patriot lunatics in both the Scottish side and the English side...


Although sitting talking about it with my mother in law and wife I thought of a scenario...all the lunatics vote and get thier independence, and the armed forces went with England and then England invade Scotland an claim it! :lol:

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Who voted them in?


Doesn't matter who voted them in. If the SNP are saying that the UK Parliament has no right to involve themselves in Scottish matters then Scottish MPs should keep the **** out of English matters. Somehow I don't see that heppening. As was posted a while back; You lot want the penny and the bun. Independence with subsidies.

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I don't know a single person who wants this othe than the extremist patriot lunatics in both the Scottish side and the English side...


Although sitting talking about it with my mother in law and wife I thought of a scenario...all the lunatics vote and get thier independence, and the armed forces went with England and then England invade Scotland an claim it! :lol:


Dejavu :unsure:

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Doesn't matter who voted them in. If the SNP are saying that the UK Parliament has no right to involve themselves in Scottish matters then Scottish MPs should keep the **** out of English matters. Somehow I don't see that heppening. As was posted a while back; You lot want the penny and the bun. Independence with subsidies.

Of course it matters. If you don't want Scottish MPs down south, then don't vote them in!


"You lot". :lol: Because "Us lot", all have the same views and want the same things?


That's like saying you lot all eat pie and mash, whilst dancing round the May pole... You may very well enjoy such pursuits, and that's fine, but c'mon... don't lump an entire populous into one.

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Of course it matters. If you don't want Scottish MPs down south, then don't vote them in!


"You lot". :lol: Because "Us lot", all have the same views and want the same things?


That's like saying you lot all eat pie and mash, whilst dancing round the May pole... You may very well enjoy such pursuits, and that's fine, but c'mon... don't lump an entire populous into one.


'ang on.... you mean to say there are folk up there that DON'T look like Rab C Nesbit ??? How bizarre! :lol::lol:

Edited by Vipa
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Of course it matters. If you don't want Scottish MPs down south, then don't vote them in!


"You lot". :lol: Because "Us lot", all have the same views and want the same things?


That's like saying you lot all eat pie and mash, whilst dancing round the May pole... You may very well enjoy such pursuits, and that's fine, but c'mon... don't lump an entire populous into one.


Yes. "You lot" The Scottish Nationalists.


And don't try and cloud the issues. Some Scottish MPs may be very welcome in the UK. But if the SNP state that Englih politicians houldn't have a say in Scottish matters then surely the same applies down here. Or is the hypocrisy lost on you lot - The Nationalists? As I said; the SNP want the penny and the bun. MaxDev my *****!

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Yes. "You lot" The Scottish Nationalists.


And don't try and cloud the issues. Some Scottish MPs may be very welcome in the UK. But if the SNP state that Englih politicians houldn't have a say in Scottish matters then surely the same applies down here. Or is the hypocrisy lost on you lot - The Nationalists? As I said; the SNP want the penny and the bun. MaxDev my *****!

I'm not even Scottish. And certainly not a Scottish nationalist.


Clouding the issue how exactly?


Some of you boys down there seem to be getting very hot under the collar with all this stuff - You love Scotland really don't you? :D


'ang on.... you mean to say there are folk up there that DON'T look like Rab C Nesbit ??? How bizarre! :lol::lol:

:lol: The least funny programme on telly... And fortunately it really doesn't run 24 hours a day up here :blink:

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I'm not even Scottish. And certainly not a Scottish nationalist.


Clouding the issue how exactly?


Some of you boys down there seem to be getting very hot under the collar with all this stuff - You love Scotland really don't you? :D





I absolutely adore Scotland... I have it in my mind to buy a small plot of land up north and retire there on a little smallholding... the midge really concern me, where I stalk in Ayreshire, they have chased me completely away once and have been more than a nuisance on other occassions so it would have to be somewhere that didn't suffer too much with them..


Who do I apply to for my visa? :lol:

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What is hypocritical about moving to France? I'm not intending voting there or setting up as a Parliamentary Candidate. And, I shan't be continually crowing about how good the old country is like you Jocks who don't stay in Scotland but keep telling everyone how wonderful it is. :rolleyes:


Sorry, I didn't phrase it correctly. My point was what is hypocritical about a Scottish MP's sitting in English Constituencies? Under the law you could move to Midlothian, woo me with your charisma and we could vote you in. All perfectly acceptable. Remember English constituents voted the Scot into their constituency......so who is to blame for having a jock as their sitting MP? :hmm: Doesn't take an Einstein..... :lol:


Which leads me onto the main point about hypocrisy which is that you want aliens (Scottish MP's) to return to the home country whilst you are leaving your home country to go and live in another! As for not crowing about the old country have you heard of the phrase "whinging pom"? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I think it's in your DNA ;)

Edited by Laird Lugton
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I absolutely adore Scotland... I have it in my mind to buy a small plot of land up north and retire there on a little smallholding... the midge really concern me, where I stalk in Ayreshire, they have chased me completely away once and have been more than a nuisance on other occassions so it would have to be somewhere that didn't suffer too much with them..


Who do I apply to for my visa? :lol:



Sorry, we can't sell to English now... :lol:

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You love Scotland really don't you? :D



I think Clive has a thing for men in skirts. Methinks he doth protest too much :lol: :lol: :lol:


the midge really concern me, where I stalk in Ayreshire, they have chased me completely away once and have been more than a nuisance on other occassions so it would have to be somewhere that didn't suffer too much with them..



We won't be taking jessies ;)


(on that basis I'll probably have to emigrate)

Edited by Laird Lugton
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I think Clive has a thing for men in skirts. Methinks he doth protest too much :lol: :lol: :lol:




We won't be taking jessies ;)


Ahhh... so that's how they'll do it.... Entry to Scotland won't be by sponsored work permit or financial strength... it will be purely down to 'trial by midge!' :yes:

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I absolutely adore Scotland... I have it in my mind to buy a small plot of land up north and retire there on a little smallholding... the midge really concern me, where I stalk in Ayreshire, they have chased me completely away once and have been more than a nuisance on other occassions so it would have to be somewhere that didn't suffer too much with them..


Who do I apply to for my visa? :lol:




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Yep... that's the one :good:


You have to remember to give some leeway... it's not easy for an Englishman to read and write a foreign language... I struggle with conversational Scottish most of the time so I think I deserve a pat on the back for writing it down so you'd know what I meant! :D


When they invade they'll just rename it Ayreshire :lol: :lol: :lol:


Yep... after Pam! :yes:

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Yep... that's the one :good:


You have to remember to give some leeway... it's not easy for an Englishman to read and write a foreign language... I struggle with conversational Scottish most of the time so I think I deserve a pat on the back for writing it down so you'd know what I meant! :D




Yep... after Pam! :yes:


Rosetta Stone language courses now do Jockanese :yes::good:

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