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687 stock replacement.

Gnome of the Woods

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I got fed up of taping on a comb raiser, I was recommend someone who could make the stock adjustable.

I received it back today and I am not happy with the results.


I am going to call them tomorrow to see what can be done to make it more acceptable!

What happened? I have seen some odd adjustable combs, some of the weirdest are factory ones......

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Sorry, but I agree. It looks an amateurish conversion. If it was mate who did it - not much you can do. If it was a professional - they should retire.


I have done three and all were in a different league to that. It only moves up and down - not sideways - fitted at one side - and badly fitted at that. It will not adjust down fully either. The slice of comb is also too deep - deeper at the front. It should have been one inch maximum. That looks more. You would not then have had the gaping hole. Was the chunk of wood missing before from the side of the comb? I would be asking for a new stock or see them in court.


Had they fitted a Graco comb adjuster - they would not have had this problem.

Edited by Gordon R
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I see what you mean. All the adjustable kits i've seen before the part with the allen key slots has been centered and recessed into the comb so that the comb can be set right down.


Try UK Gun Repairs, I had a second hand (and v. good condition) beretta stock off Dennis when I needed one last year.

Edited by agjm
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Hard to judge how deep the cut is. I use one inch max, but that certainly looks more. I'm not sure it has weakened the stock to the point of danger, but it doesn't look right. The bushes on the stock could theoretically be countersunk to give more adjustment, but they look dangerously close to the edge of the stock, so it might not be possible.


Honestly - I would go back and tell them - new stock or court. It is dreadful.

Edited by Gordon R
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The stock should go down to original dimensions and collars should be counter sunk, I am 99% sure cut is too deep. Trying to find a picture of friend beretta adjustable which has a far flatter cut rather that a deep V


Edit: best i could find and its low res image but shows what it should look like finished feel free to send them that image!

Edited by HDAV
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My Lord, that is one awful job. The cut out for the adjustable comb has been cut too deep into the stock and the aluminium ferrules with the allen bolts should have been set flush into the base of cut out in the stock. I reckon it's scrap now. I do know that Sporting Targets at Riseley has a lot of 68x series stocks, as I was in there yesterday getting a left handed one.


Paul, I think you need to go back to the culprit for recompense. It would also be useful to know who did such an abortion of a job, to prevent anyone else getting caught too.


The best stocker is Malcolm Jenkins in Luton he charges £170 to do a proper job with vertical and horizontal adjustment. Read about him in this month's edition of Sporting Shooter.

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It is fairly easy to trot out an opinion, because it is bad, but after posting I had a long hard look at the job. If that had come back to me, I would have honestly been upset that someone could return the stock to me in that state and expect me to be happy.


They should have held their hands up, admitted that they had botched it and offered to make good.

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I have sent him a message with my grievances, he replied;

Hi Paul


I am sorry you feel that way.


The cut has to be that deep to give strength and stability to the stainless steel riser posts and is bound to encroach into the bolt channel.


No mention was ever made about you only wanting 4 to 5 mm raise or I would have told you that I couldn't do it.


Out of alignment, how much by?


There are certainly no saw marks on it and no marks that will be difficult to remove. Julian has already told me what condition it was in when you got it.


I personally thought that it came out looking good and absolutely not devaluing it.


He has offered to pay for a new one, but I am not sure he realises it will be so much!

Edited by Gnome of the Woods
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The cut has to be that deep to give strength and stability to the stainless steel riser posts and is bound to encroach into the bolt channel.
Absolute rubbish.


Out of alignment, how much by?

It won't go back down to the original level, apart from any alignment.




here are certainly no saw marks on it and no marks that will be difficult to remove.
He must be blind. The cutout isn't even straight, apart from the chunk out of the side of the comb.



I personally thought that it came out looking good and absolutely not devaluing it.
The man is an idiot.


He is clearly in denial. His view is that it looks fine. I could not think of anyone who might agree with him, even his own mother. I would certainly press him for a replacement - quickly.

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I concur with Gordon's comments.


I've got a factory Perazzi adjustable stock and also a stock made adjustable by Alan Rhone many years ago, if he wants to see how an adjustable stock should be made.


The cut out should never have been cut so low as to intrude into the stock bolt hole. If you look look down onto the top of the stock the ferrules for retaining the height adjusters should have been set flush into the base of the cut out, along the central axis in the wood which should have been above the stock bolt hole.

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I have read this all the way through from the start. I am the most easy going person you could wish to meet but I realy would be gutted if it was my gun. I got my girls a Bettinsoli with an adjustable stock which goes up and down and left and right and for a budget gun does put this work to shame. I hope you get sorted as the stock was a nice one.

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