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Show us ya tits!!!


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im Waiting on the Blue tits returning again this year to the nesting box, and im going to try and get some shotts of them. Anybody else got some (pairs) that they hope will return again. A small part of me really thinks ive done my bit to help, but the reality i bet is that all ive done is fed the local cats :lol:

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You want to be careful that you don't encourage any bearded tits into your garden.




Very good. :lol:


I made 6 boxes last spring and after shuffling them about the garden a bit managed to get a pair of blue tits in the front garden box. The joy I got from kicking back in the sun and watching them was immense. They raised three. I could be mistaken but I'm sure there was a *** eyeballing the box this morning. Fingers crossed.


I had a wren nest also. They managed to get a brood of three out and were on the point of having another brood ready to fly the nest when the chuffing magpies slayed them. I blatted as many as I could over the next few weeks with the springer.

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Very good. :lol:


I made 6 boxes last spring and after shuffling them about the garden a bit managed to get a pair of blue tits in the front garden box. The joy I got from kicking back in the sun and watching them was immense. They raised three. I could be mistaken but I'm sure there was a *** eyeballing the box this morning. Fingers crossed.


I had a wren nest also. They managed to get a brood of three out and were on the point of having another brood ready to fly the nest when the chuffing magpies slayed them. I blatted as many as I could over the next few weeks with the springer.



I put up a couple of boxes, but they just get filled with sparrows and they wake me up in the morning so had to go

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I put up a couple of boxes, but they just get filled with sparrows and they wake me up in the morning so had to go


You can tailor the size of the opening to suit the desired species to an extent. I have my ones at about 20mm and only seem to get blue tits. One box out of 6 isn't exactly a fair sample but I will stick with it for another season and observe.


Sparrows are very social and like to live in colonies. I started making a terrace of 5 boxes for the end of the garden as they are a too bit thuggish to have near the bedroom as you say.

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I could be mistaken but I'm sure there was a *** eyeballing the box this morning. Fingers crossed.


It comes to something when you can't even discuss garden birds without the swear filter kicking in :/


We've loads of boxes in the garden, but also tend mostly to get sparrows in. I might try the smaller hole. Our garden is also a blackbird factory, we had brood after brood last year. Great to watch, but I have to stand guard against the local cats once they start fledging.

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