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Copper Solvent


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So.... the split ar*e dropped my bottle of Montanna Extreme over the kitchen floor yesterday...


Bloody hell, I thought we were going to die! the fumes that stuff gives off is enough to make you blind, unconscious or worse! Let's just say I wasn't best pleased :oops:


Anyway.. the kitchen floor has never been cleaner! :lol:


So I now need to replace my copper solvent....


To be honest, I've not really been impressed with the Montanna... it always took ages to get the bore copper free, despite regular cleaning


Whats the current copper solvent product of choice among the benchrest boys and the like?

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So.... the split ar*e dropped my bottle of Montanna Extreme over the kitchen floor yesterday...


Bloody hell, I thought we were going to die! the fumes that stuff gives off is enough to make you blind, unconscious or worse! Let's just say I wasn't best pleased :oops:


Anyway.. the kitchen floor has never been cleaner! :lol:


So I now need to replace my copper solvent....


To be honest, I've not really been impressed with the Montanna... it always took ages to get the bore copper free, despite regular cleaning


Whats the current copper solvent product of choice among the benchrest boys and the like?


You know although i have some super strong stuff. I think its hard to beat Forest bore foam, but you need to leave it a lot longer than its says to handle coppering. Copper solvent like the one you descibe are real nasty and i usually use them out of doors with gloves, its nasty stuff and can do you a lot of harm

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You know although i have some super strong stuff. I think its hard to beat Forest bore foam, but you need to leave it a lot longer than its says to handle coppering. Copper solvent like the one you descibe are real nasty and i usually use them out of doors with gloves, its nasty stuff and can do you a lot of harm


Sage advice--chemical bore cleaners are bad to inhale and or have on skin. Bore foams are getting real popular here and are not supposed to be as bad as ammonia base solvents. I use Kroil and Iosso bore paste does a great job and doesn't smell bad.

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Luckily I don't seem to have much problem with copper build up, maybe its the way the guns were run in, because I clean the barrel after each outing or just lucky. I use KG12 and brunox, maybe I'm wrong but have always thought copper is 'lifted' rather than being dissolved and needs a regime of using copper solvent along with a good cleaner. I heated my 243 remmy barrel and action up and applied Microlon gun juice in its early days and put a patch down with that at the end of the barrel clean, maybe that helps as its easy to keep clean.

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Foams are decent for casual "after range day" cleaning I think?


But if you really wan´t to remove copper from barrel go to nearest pharmacy and purchase ammonia powder or ammonia-water solution 10% mixture is all you need.

Run it thru barrel with VFG felts. It will remove all copper residues within minutes. And as ammonia being watersoluble you can neutralise the barrel with decent oil.


A bit smelly but no commercial mixture will beat this.

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Have used Forrest or Hoppes Benchrest, but as on another post, I have been looking at Wipeout bore foam.

Have eventually found a supplier in mainland UK, the only other was in Ireland. So, when I get it, am going to see if it's as good as they say. Clean as before, then try the Wipeout.

The ad blurb states, that it will still remove even more copper and carbon, AFTER, using other cleaners AND makes the statement, that none or maybe 1 fouling shot is needed afterwards. If you read some of the ad's, it is the wonder cleaner........yea :rolleyes:

Takes some believing :hmm:, but, if you don't give it a go, who knows?

Someone's got to give it a proper, independent, unbiased (Not retailer), UK trial.

The only problem at the moment, it' a bit of a fanny, trying to order the stuff online from this place, so, when I get it :rolleyes: give me chance to give it the works, then I will let you know

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