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Dont be afraid about putting a stand alone hide up on the edge of the field .

Nice if you can put it up a day or two beforehand so the birds get used to it but the birds are not going to hang around that long after they have picked up any spillage.

Keep the hide as low as you can and a full wrap of net on all sides, and if possible part roof so you can sit back under cover.

The usual keep still and well coverd rules.

Good luck

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Dont be afraid about putting a stand alone hide up on the edge of the field .

Nice if you can put it up a day or two beforehand so the birds get used to it but the birds are not going to hang around that long after they have picked up any spillage.

Keep the hide as low as you can and a full wrap of net on all sides, and if possible part roof so you can sit back under cover.

The usual keep still and well coverd rules.

Good luck




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When we have a field with no cover we have used a fishing brolley either with a seat or standing just cover it with netting with a couple of poles at the front. If you havent got a fishing brolley a patio brolly would do the job. Make sure that you have the wind off your back.

Edited by pigeon controller
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I have proved time and again that a hide can be successfully deployed ANYWHERE. It doesn't have to match the surroundings. Pigeons DO NOT need to get used to a hide, either. It also doesn't have to be kept low.

Last year, i spotted a field of freshly drilled beans that was attracting a fair few pigeons. This field was less than 10 acres with no cover around it. My mate was of the belief that you need a hedge to set up against. Imagine his surprise when i made a brown coloured, 2 man hide on the very green, grass track surrounding the field. Pigeons came in superbly and we shot about 80.

Remember, pigeons do not know what a hide is and have no reason to fear one.

Edited by motty
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Dont be afraid about putting a stand alone hide up on the edge of the field .

Nice if you can put it up a day or two beforehand so the birds get used to it but the birds are not going to hang around that long after they have picked up any spillage.

Keep the hide as low as you can and a full wrap of net on all sides, and if possible part roof so you can sit back under cover.

The usual keep still and well coverd rules.

Good luck


Plus one from me....

Here is an example of one way you can :shoot:




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