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Right guys gearing up for knocking on doors this weekend and just getting some cards made to give to prospective permissions.


Have I missed anything






what i can do

free service


Also best way to word what I want to do pigeon shooting?



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Have you seen the company that does them ?

Have a look at these.



i was looking at them a while back, they have updated some of them and added new ones very good designs, must order some next few months are good months to be out knocking while the crops are up and cant do much shooting imo :good:

Edited by semiautolee
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Right guys gearing up for knocking on doors this weekend and just getting some cards made to give to prospective permissions.


Have I missed anything






what i can do

free service


Also best way to word what I want to do pigeon shooting?




You missed off “Years of experience”

Also what do you do?

Regarding how to word that all you really want is to go pigeon shooting!

You will have to step up to the plate and start with shooting the feral birds and see where it leads as everybody wants to sit in the hide a bowl over wood pigeons!!

Don’t dish out your cards like sweets other wise you will end up around peoples houses…

We do a lot of ferreting and lots of people have “hundreds of rabbits” in their garden!

And over the years I have wasted a few good mornings looking for the above!


“Specialist in Resident Feral Pigeons”


One bit of advice is you must turn up and have the kit to do the job, if you can’t manage the job be honest and get some help.

Don’t mention free as it will devalue you credibility as nothing is for free….



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Right guys gearing up for knocking on doors this weekend and just getting some cards made to give to prospective permissions.


Have I missed anything






what i can do

free service


Also best way to word what I want to do pigeon shooting?





References available.

Flexible shooting days, not just Weekends


Not too much information.


Remember people read in an X shape, top left-top right-centre-bottom left-bottom right, make sure you have the right info in the right place

Edited by bakerboy
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I take it your trying to get some more permission?

as usual when i meet someone i don't have my details written down...... then it's chasing it up later...... be prepared ...got a good background pic of fox/rabbit/pigeon if you want for vistaprint... if u want i send it your phone

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i dont know if its of use to you - but ive got a good backround with a flighting pigeon on to use on vistaprint or similar - pm me your email addy if you want and i will send it over :good:

Cheers Pegasus pmed


Good thinking johnny probably best to my email will pm you now.

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Right guys gearing up for knocking on doors this weekend and just getting some cards made to give to prospective permissions.


Have I missed anything






what i can do

free service


Also best way to word what I want to do pigeon shooting?









My buisness cards read...........






"No Muff too tuff"




there are several lady farmers around here !!

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