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When will .22 cf be legal for Deer


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I hope the link works;

DEFRA did this consultation document in 2004 and one of the features covered was the suitability of .222,.223 22/250 and 220 swift for Roe Deer.They argued in favour of it such as in Scotland.Page 34 is the interesting one.


Has any one heard a sniff or got any usefull info/websites etc as to how this is progressing




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Guest john5


I hope the link works;

DEFRA did this consultation document in 2004 and one of the features covered was the suitability of .222,.223 22/250 and 220 swift for Roe Deer.They argued in favour of it such as in Scotland.Page 34 is the interesting one.


Has any one heard a sniff or got any usefull info/websites etc as to how this is progressing




this debate has gone on for years , dont hold your breath

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Let’s face it, this government aren’t the slightest bit interested in any form of shooting, so they don’t care about this subject. :good: I have been waiting for years now to see when they are going to scrap the “Game Licenceâ€, which costs more to administer than they collect from it.

Anyone with half a brain would have simply passed the legislation already in order to save the money that is lost…….but we have “New Labour†in charge, :good: and saving money seems a bit strange to them. (Millennium Dome is one item that springs to mind).

I really don’t see this happening for many years unless there is a concerted effort by our beloved shooting organisations on behalf of its members, and I haven’t seen many of those this last few years. :good:


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I think the BDS in General aren't that keen H, so maybe BASC as well (which would be Ms Andrews) IMHO they are afraid too many target shooting jonny's armed with AR15's and the like would go out and try having a go at a few deer instead.


From the BDS site:


"(a) Revising Schedule 2 of the Deer Act 1991 with respect to the smaller deer species to allow use of some of the .22 centre fire calibres, as already permitted in Scotland.


BDS does NOT support this proposal. The Society has not been persuaded that there is any valid deer management justification for changing the law in this respect. Allowing the use of less powerful rifles on the smaller deer species may result in more wounded deer escaping, although experience in the use of .22 Centre Fire rifles on roe in Scotland has provided no hard evidence on this point either way. However, the Society has just started some research which may give better scientific evidence on this matter in the future. "

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I have just recieved an email from a rep of the British Sportsmans asc' here is an excert

Lets keep our fingers crossed,I shall crack on and buy my .223 first now,so |I can get it open asap and have less hassle getting the variation to deer when then time comes.


Just got back from a British Shooting Sports Council (BSSC) meeting

at the House of Lords. I asked the question regarding .222. It seems

very likely that the triple 2 will be granted for Roe Deer in England

and Wales. I doubt we shall know before October thought.





Reefman :good:

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In one of the DEFRA reports ACPO (assoc of chief police officers) are in favour of it being dropped to .222.All Police forces will Have to follow ACPO guidelines.They will not fall outside of them for fear of legal proceedings.


DEFRA have identified that there is a shortage of suitably qualified people to cull dear correctly, they go on to say that dropping too .222 will help address this.


I have not come across any problems with selling rabbits and pigeons to my local game dealer (yet)I am aware that deer need to be checked and certified,I'd need some training on this!


Do any of us realy have a problem with ensuring that people are correctly trained when it comes to shooting an animal as big as a roe with a rifle potentially suitable for military use and safely introducing it into the food chain..

I don't,I want to make sure i get it right.

A pain in the *** I admit but so was learning to drive fly a space ship etc etc


We can all name an idiot who has a rimmy or shotgun where no training is required, image them with a .223.


Lets keep our finger crossed,

I bet it's pretty low down the priority list though I expect the MP's need to legalise rent boys first :unsure:

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