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Should I take my friend and his kids shooting?


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Normally I will take every oportunity to introduce any friends and aquaintances who express any interest to shooting. As a minority sport I see it as being a vital part of protecting our hobby, particularly where the next generation is concerned.


The vast majority of people will have a go,and decide its not for them. We would hope however that not only will one of every so many get the bug and become a shooter, but the others that will never shoot again will be less firearm phobic.


I have just been asked by a very old friend to take him and possibly his kids clay shooting. In normal circumstances I would jump at the chance(although i think that the youngest and possibly the middle kid are probably at the age/state of developement where the airgun is more appropriate at the moment) but i've got reservations about taking him and them in this case and i'm interested to know what the 'watch thinks.


The issue that is making me uneasy is that my friend is going through a fairly messy divorce (as the injured party -if its relevant)at the moment and i'm fairly sure that an element of his sudden intrest in wanting to have a go at shooting is based around the fact that his (ex)wife is about as vehement an anti as you are likely to find and it will annoy her if he's shooting, let alone the kids (its been one of those "no toy guns" households) and I'm not sure if i should let myself be used as the brown paper bag of dog eggs to be set set alight on her doorstep?!


Your thoughts, ladies & Gents?


One last point,(and to avoid a potential thrad derailment before it starts :lol: ) despite my friend being put through the ringer with the divorce I have no concerns regarding his mental state and access to firearms.

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let him take them to the clay ground,,there are professionals there who can help him,, certainly wouldn,t get involver with the divorce thing,,just tell him where the clay ground is,,as a plus he and the kids will be in good hands,,all the best with your decision anyway :good:

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me personally i would not do it and more so why if your mate is going through a bad separation is he looking at doing things that give her ammunition to kick off over it....leave them too it

technically if all is above board she has no voice in it ......but beats me why people want to antagonise others in a divorce it's not worth it

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It may be something he has wanted to do for some time, but felt he couldnt due to his wifes attitude. With young kids I think you need a good ground with the right staff and equipment suggest you take him to one first then if he wants to take his kids he can. If you go to an approved ground to an approved coach and do the BASC young shots thing or similar even it comes up in proceedings suggesting anything you have the full backing of a police approved and insured ground. Best way to learn and enjoy IMO



tell him to wait till its over. solicitor could use it in court.


If done properly I don't see how it could be a nagarive there is a "kids shoot free" event week soon that would be ideal as it has lots of support

Edited by HDAV
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My opinion would be absolutely not!


The fact that there is a divorce in the pipeline with kids involved and its not Hollywood, this will turn round and bite you/your buddy.


Real life divorces have a habit of becoming nasty. I've been there.


If the estranged wife is "anti" it will probably be anti gun and anti anything at all the husband does with the kids.


I have been there mate where I got it in the neck from my ex for exposing my kids to danger. I was utterly reckless and took them for their first ride in a convertible with the roof down. ( proper kiddie seats were used )it was July and a nice day!


A lawyer put pen to paper with that one as well!


Give them a treat when the divorce is done and dusted and they do not have a points scoring system in place

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I think you've actually already made up your mind. I doubt any comment we make will actually sway you from one way or the other. Go with your gut instinct, it's usually right. You know the situation in a way none of us will.

Thanks for all the comments guys ! :good:


I'll admit that my mind was largely made regarding this issue before i posted. I was however open to being swayed one way or the other (you never quite know if theres going to be a factor you havent considered.) and frankly I thought its an interesting situation to discuss..


for the record I have decided that I'm going to take my friend shooting, but I'm going take the politic way out by suggesting to him that the kids are a little young at the moment (which truthfully is probably right at the moment).-and suggest that we are about 18 months off the point when all three kids will have the right combination of actual age, size and maturity for handling a firearm.

What i will do if the request to take his kids shooting reappears in 18 months ? I think I will work it out then if it comes up- hopefully the divorce will be long over and done with by then and no longer an issue!

Edited by Canis
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