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Just got back from the Gamefair


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As usual I spent most of the day drooling in Gunmakers row.

If you are going come in on the A27 from Chandlers Ford or M271,not the Winchester Road from Ampfield I sat in a que for 1 1/2 hrs this morning at 0830 hrs.


If you are looking for a new gun take your credit card and your cert .I saw a brand new Cz American in .17hmr for £230.Thst is a serious bargain.I can't remember the name of the dealer sadly.


I bought a leather wallet for .223 rounds a few bits for my cluson lamp and a realy smart hot weather Camo shirt made by Arktis.


Have a great day if you are going.



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Got back home at 10:30 last night.


Great day out took us 3 hours to get down their but 5 1/2 to get back as someone had flipped their car on the M3 just before the M25 junction.


Nice weather wasn't boiling hot.


Cheers guys,



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Took the wife Saturday, our first CLA and thoroughly enjoyed. I'll definitely be going again. Actually managed to spy two fellow PW members after spotting the PW badge! Its not true what LB says about me FM/BIB :oops: Thanks again to Paul Hart for the free tickets, it was nice to catch up with you Paul, i'll buy something next time, honest. :good:

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I went with two friends on the sunday. weather was great not to hot. got straight in a 9am with no traffic probs and had a good nose about. bought a bit of gun cleaning equipment. spoke to a few traders i have not seen for a while as well. I dont think it was as busy as it has been in the past few years. i did enjoy gun makers row. I will say the price of food and drink in their is getting silly and so is the cost of getting in although i got in free. The traders i know and spoke with told me their takings were down on the previous year by alot and were none to happy. :no::D


I would also like to thank the CPSA for the free tickets.

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for anybody who doesnt like the prices of the food vans in there, the best bet is to head to the food festival part. some of the nosh in there is top notch and cheaper than the processed filth packaged as burgers at all the other spots :no: getting a welsh oggie has become part of the gamefair ritual for me now :D

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Yes i thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend sat the other half & the kids @ the main arena the hounds were a sight 4 sore eyes dont mind admitting but i must of got summat in my eye when they paraded bloomin brill then watced john bidwell doin his stuff at the clays funny 2 see every 1 gettin covered in fruit after blasting them cant wait 4 next fair

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