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8 pointer and a couple of others


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Alarm went off at 0415 and a look at the velux showed it was dry so had a quick splash and started loading up the Jeep.It wasnt looking very dry and the wind was pretty strong but went oot hoping for an hoor before the wet stuff came on as we hadnt been oot much lately.Only went a couple of miles to the first place and there was a buck and a doe about 50 yards from the road so i drove along till i was oot of sight,parked up,got the gear ready and walked back to them.Nothing difficult,except with the lie of the ground i had to free hand him but at that range pretty straight forward and on the squeeze he dropped on the spot.By this time the rain was started and with no place for a suitable gralloch i dragged him to the motor and boxed him to take the puds oot later.

Next 4 places showed either nothing or a few does but at the MILs there were 3 does and 2 bucks and again a pretty straight forward job.Unfortunately i was too intent on these and missed a fox walking within 20 yards of the hoose,and it spotted me and legged it but if i had been more switched on i would have noticed it and probably got a chap at it.A wee crawl got me into position but i had to wait a good 5 mins as they were very unsettled but he presented at around 200 yards and on the shot he gave a good leap and the thud sounded pretty solid but he didnt go doon.I stuck another one up and scoped him,expecting him to go doon but he stood there for way too long so i put another down and on this he took a couple of steps and dropped.I was half thinking the first was gut by his reaction but when we went to pick him the shot had been a wee bit low but still on the ball and ive never seen a reaction like that to an engine room shot.Wouldnt have needed the 2nd really but better safe than sorry.

After the gralloch i thought that was enough and i was low on pills with only 2 rounds left so took Rab for a walk roon the young plantation where all bucks are nailed and have decked 8 already this season and knew another 6 at least are still around,including a nice old lad that i thought was 7-8 points.I have seen him for 3 years now,but he rarely strays across the boundary onto mine and 2 years ago his antlers were probably the longest i have ever seen on a buck,but has gone back a bit.Id scoped him a good half dozen times this year,but the twice he has been on mine there was nay chance of a shot and he was one very wary lad and even on his own bit at a couple of hunner yards if he sees something nay right hes away.With the kind of morning i wasnt expecting much oot,and right enough we went 300 yards doon to the valley and then could see a good 800 yards and not a sign of a roe.By this time the hailstanes has started so i leant the sticks on a branch to pull the hood up on the jacket but the wind blew them off and they clattered on the wire fence.Wasnt that fussed considering nothing was showing but got a shock when a buck burst oot of the fund bushes 40 yards in front of me and started crashing through them in a panic.Its steep doonhill and when i looked he seemed to have a small head,but when i got the binos on him there was a good heed with his very noticeable extra point sticking oot.The sticks were nay ready so i dropped the bipod and leant the gatt on a post hoping he would stop.It was like slow motion,and he was in that much of a rush that he was getting stuck and falling over in the funds,and at one point his legs were going mental but he wasnt going anywhere.Once he composed himself he stopped just long enough and on the chap he dissapeared but i could see the bushes moving as he slid doon the bank.A cracking 8 pointer and good to get him after all this time.Should medal but wont know till hes boiled oot and get a weight and also pretty sure he was blind in one eye as you might make oot in the photo.

His larder weight is 19.5kg with the other two being 15kg.
















Edited by sako751sg
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That fifth photo makes them look pretty peed off with you and Rab, mind you if you had just shot me I would be pretty cheesed off too! :lol:

Great write up and photos. A good write up like yours always makes the thread much more interesting than just a quick photo and just a few words like: "Got these last night, what do you think?"

Your write ups are always a pleasure to read, well done mate! :good:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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nice doo gaji the big one will be a nice medal for sure and does look to have clouding on the eye gid too see you finaly got oot :good::good::good:


Cheers fella.Should be a silver depending on how it dries oot.Have been oot a few evenings but they are few and far between with the weather.


Top stuff Dave 3 lovelly beasts,when is this weather going to get any better,and a cracken

read fella. :good:


Ta fella.Nay sign of ony improvements in the near future so better make the most of it.


That fifth photo makes them look pretty peed off with you and Rab, mind you if you had just shot me I would be pretty cheesed off too! :lol:

Great write up and photos. A good write up like yours always makes the thread much more interesting than just a quick photo and just a few words like: "Got these last night, what do you think?"

Your write ups are always a pleasure to read, well done mate! :good:


They are pretty mean looking Pete,thank **** i had cut the legs off them and they couldnt get to me.Cheers for the good words,again too kind.


Mate they are fantastic heads well done!


Cheers Alex.Seen another one that looks a cracker but hes a pretty fly lad that doesnt hang aboot long either.Hopefully the weather clears a bit and makes things a bit more enjoyable.


some great bucks there mate.

but 0415 to get up? you had a lay in then. LOL


Cheers fella.Ony earlier and i would run oot of room in the Jeep so 3 is fine.Nah,i rarely go oot in bad light as i like to see whats oot instead of bumping them.A lot of the ground is visible from the road so usually have a run aroond first and then a wee walk where appropriate.

Edited by sako751sg
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Well done Dave, and a good write-up.

I always enjoy reading about your exploits - keep them coming.


Cheers fella.


Well done dave, I love these freak heads. :good:


It's very satisfying when it goes right and you get a buck you've been after for a while.





Cheers Mark,and i love the uniqueness of abnormals too although too many folk dont appreciate them.Folk think they are genetic misfits when the majority have just been damaged or like this lad in an old ane starting to go back,although he has had damage to the pedicle to cause this heed.As you say,to have watched him for years and then finally grass him after knowing how wary he was is very satisfying.


Weel done Loon :good: :good: :good:


Cheers Tam.



well done, :good: :good: :yahoo:


Ta fella.


That old boy got a cracking head, well done :good:


He looks to have some age to him, so does the one on the right ?, but not the same head quality.


Cheers fella.Not as old as i first hoped going by the skull,but i still think he was going back a bit as his heed was bigger 2 years ago and last year i only saw him once so couldnt make a good call.The one on the right i had saw a few times and originally thought he was a yearling,but yesterday his mannerism showed an older beast altogether.Hard to keep track of beasts as on some ground the influx of bucks is never ending so they can change weekly,especially if you are culling everything.

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