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There won't be any trouble on here today, its all at Bisley. ;)


They are taking so many homemade burgers and sausages that they have made from dead things they have found on the side of the road, that it will be a surprise if any of them make it back. :good::lol:




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I have just surfaced now. :lol:


I can confirm that Axe's bunny burgers and Flash's pigeon pitta pockets were the finest around. :good:


Baldrick very kindly lend me his new browning on the clays as I was having problems with the gun I had previously borrowed. :) Top guy. :D


Thank-you Malcom/henry d for letting me have a few shots with your 6.5x55. :good: I think you have a photo of me doing a bit of flinching on the first shot expecting to be kicked half way across Bisley from the recoil. :lol:


Thank-you Flash and his Dad for letting me use the semi auto rimmy plus the 7.62 Lee Enfield and lets not forget the pigeon pitta pockets. :lol:


Thank-you Sussex Lad and his brother for letting me use the AR15 .223. :lol: Nice gun indeed. :)


Thank-you Snotty for letting me shoot the muzzle loading Baker rifle. :lol: Just hit the backstop. :lol: Im sure others will go into more detail. :oops:


Well done on the burgers Axe. They were great. :)


And a big well done and thanks to Nick who organised it all. Rather him than me and he shot well on top of all the organising. :lol:


Thank-you anyone else who I have missed out at this time of the night when my head goes funny. ;)


FM :) (With a seriously bruised shoulder.) :oops::oops::lol:

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FM, the enfield was a 7.62, 243 was the other one.



snotty for letting me have a go with the baker, if i had a fringe it is now in ashes :good:


and sussex lad for letting me and my cousin have a go with the armalite(i think)





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