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SG Raffle Winner!!!!

Guest jonrms

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:lol: I too thought that this raffle was iffy but that was down to a post previous to mine by a member who I think is banned :lol:


I apologise unreservedly regarding any insinuation I made John and I hope you carry on your charitable work as its only a matter of time before I win something.





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I by the way am not Sharron but her husband as she is rather intim idated by the comments she has read on this post since we returned from holidaythis week.


To [put you all in the picture. We have both taken up shooting again after several years away from the sport as a mutual pastime we could share and as we were a little wary of listening to everones GOOD advice joined your forum on basically to read the posts and understand what was happening in the sport. Hence we have not done any posts, but read almost ALL.


We saw the competition and my wife sent off a cheque in secret as I have always enjoyed clay pigeon shooting and she though it would get me back into it if I had an incentive (ie won!!). However after she sent off the cheque she could not enter the site for a couple of weeks and she thought she had been conned which she told me when we were away and we just wrote it off.


After this she was contacted by an american guy saying she had won and to contact the moderator on the forum. He was very pleasant but we still felt uneasy due to the history and was expecting to be told we had to pay some money to get the prise sent out or something.


We now know that this is not the case and it was just a combination of circumstances that has caused the misunderstanding and my appologies to John who got the sharp end of my wifes tongue on the phone when all he was doing was sorting the problem out.


Sadly however what has turned out to be a great prize is spoiled by people who sadly judge others rather than accept the fact that people buy tikets in a raffle to win prizes and the whole idea of a raffle is anybody can WIN!!


Thanks John for all your help and I will call you back tomorrow to discuss what I need to do. Also thanks to the forum for wat is a grat prize and I hope the charity did well. I will , hopefully with my wife, keep posting and will try to send in some phots of us using the gun. But do try to keep the intimidationg posts out, it does not help anyone.


All the best.

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well, i can see how circumstances led to a misunderstanding, but i also think forums have a way of causing 'misinterpretation'. forums are without body language and devoid of emotion (and lets face it, most of those smilies are pretty lame), so its understandable how what can sometimes be meant as a bit of ribbing and joking, appears to be something else.


i hope your wife gets to know us better and feels less intimidated in time. most of the people on here have great senses of humour, and are actually encyclopedia's of knowledge (even when they arent cheating and checking up info on the net :angry: ), when they allow themselves a moment of sanity (.......... believe me - its rare).

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Cheers db,


And thanks to all of you who have sent your congratulations. You are so right about the knowledge of the group posting on the forum which is why we joined originally.



As a forum etiquette its always nice for newbies to introduce themselves and fill in there profile tell the PW forum members a bit about themselves


Do you shoot clays, rough, wood pigeon ?



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Cheers db,


And thanks to all of you who have sent your congratulations. You are so right about the knowledge of the group posting on the forum which is why we joined originally.



:angry: to PW, Dogfish :no: and well done on winning, I'm glad its all sorted now.


Jonrms, you did a cracking job, don't let recent events deter you. :yp:


Alls well that ends well. :yp:

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Guest jonrms

TY everyone who posted about the recent events. I am pleased to know my efforts are not in vane. John its water under the bridge.. I hope you enjoy uni (if still there... ie not sure about age..etc.) I went to Uconn medical myself... (to be a cardio surgeon.. was my goal.) then realised it was not for me!


Anyway Dogfish.... Please tell Sharron thank you again for her appologie... I appreciated your phone call this morning although you disturbed me whilst shooting.. yet I still got a fox.... so no harm done. I will call you again with details of the gun shop .. I need to notify them you will be calling... and give them all your details... I will speak to you on the phone this weekend if that is ok?


As for any further raffles.... I will just put the posts on.... and ask that Axe, Cranfield, or Henryd do the draws.... (sorry guys one of you cant buy a ticket!!! )


I am now shattered... I have been up since 6am yesterday.. and been off hunting since 4pm yesterday.. till now... no sleep... a couple of beers... every now and then... and I am shattered...


I am going to post a great pic of me and my fox... so please enjoy... it will be in sporting pics...



Anyway Finally OVER! TY TY everyone....

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I've confused Foxes & pheasants myself -

in the half light

at some distance (500 yards plus)

in cover

after a few beers

the flash of a cock pheasant can look like a fox coat



Thanks for you efforts with the raffle Jon, you did a stirling job




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Guest jonrms

I WANT MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a little kid who needs to sleep.... and ****** me.. i am going to bed now.. yes its only 5pm.. but i am shattered...


yes i messed up with the words.. this is HONESTLY NO cover up!


I seen a pheasent (female to be percise... ) on our way home.. and no i didnt get it...


Anyway good night. / day... what ever time it is now...i want my bed...... and a glass of milk.

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