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Hornet brass

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Which 22 hornet brass is deemed to be the most consistent/ accurate? I have a load of Winchester super x, Remington Express and some Seller and belliot and 3 dozen Hornady to reload. Wondered what the general consensus is, or is there not much difference in all? Can i use vmax and sierra bullets in all of these cases ok?



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I use RWS its good but you need to buy factory to harvest it. As for using v-max and seirra bullets, yes if they are hornet specific otherwise dependant on COL. As far as i am conserned i think LE wilson hand dies are the way forwards and use the neck bushing die, be aware that the bushing size needs to match the brass. normally i work it out with .002" grip then buy one up and one down also as sometimes the memory in the brass or batch can throw you (it has me in the past anyhow)

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I've heard S&B are good, but so far I've only rough formed mine (into 17 hornet) and not shot/reloaded them. The ones I've reloaded multiple times have been winchester and I have no complaints. I lost minimal quantities case forming and they don't seem 'delicate' at all. I'd get them again if I needed some.




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Your local gunshop will order it from the importers, be prepared to wait a while though.


Expensive though, £1 a case,




can't be i dont pay that for RWS factory which are £19 per 25. RUAG are a WFT at getting anything to dealer short of a £1500 scope they have sat in stock in my experiance, i tried like crazy to get some 46grn TMS heads

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I've heard S&B are good, but so far I've only rough formed mine (into 17 hornet) and not shot/reloaded them. The ones I've reloaded multiple times have been winchester and I have no complaints. I lost minimal quantities case forming and they don't seem 'delicate' at all. I'd get them again if I needed some.





I've had two batches of S$B brass with off centre flash holes. Okay to load, but punching the spent primer out is a no-no. Check them before paying if you can.

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I've had two batches of S$B brass with off centre flash holes. Okay to load, but punching the spent primer out is a no-no. Check them before paying if you can.


I've had S&B brass with undersized flash holes - used to pull the decapping pin out of the die.



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can't be i dont pay that for RWS factory which are £19 per 25. RUAG are a WFT at getting anything to dealer short of a £1500 scope they have sat in stock in my experiance, i tried like crazy to get some 46grn TMS heads



I asked Norman Clarke to quote me on 200 about a year ago, Ruag special order only, cost was around £1 a case. I bought Remmy instead at about 24p. I use them as Vermincinerator said on a 17AH. I do have about 20 RWS from the original batch of 100 that were supplied when the rifle was built for a friend.


Anyone who has once fired RWS Hornet brass would be advised to hang on to it or sell it.



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I asked Norman Clarke to quote me on 200 about a year ago, Ruag special order only, cost was around £1 a case. I bought Remmy instead at about 24p. I use them as Vermincinerator said on a 17AH. I do have about 20 RWS from the original batch of 100 that were supplied when the rifle was built for a friend.


Anyone who has once fired RWS Hornet brass would be advised to hang on to it or sell it.




As i pay £0.76 for a loaded RWS TMS round i think i will continue to harvest the brass then. If someone wants to pay £1 each for brass i will empty a few for them at that price :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

i find with hornady cases that the pin on my trimmer wont pass through the primer hole to allow me to trim them anyone else have this problem ? PPU is what i am using at present

A friend of mine has just had the same problem and with a closer look at the fired cases you could see the flash hole was way off centre.He contacted Honady and they were helpful.You might try Winchester cases.They are a better bet

for the Hornet in my opinion.

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You might try Winchester cases.They are a better bet

for the Hornet in my opinion.


That's what the bloke who makes Lil'Gun told me - he uses them. Mind you, he also recommended their primers. I had a bit of an issue there though which cost me a new extractor claw. Settled on CCI 400 SRP.

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Hi all,

Would you bother with the nickel coated reloading brass it's slightly more per 100 than other cases. Are they worth the few extra quid ? Thanks



Personally I wouldn't but each to his own. I use the Winchester, buying new cylinders. I only shoot rabbit and fox out to 200 yards - rabbit a bit less to be honest, I'm not that good but perhaps a tad further for fox. I load each cylinder the once and re-load it 6 times and then discard it. No fuss, no bother and it costs me 5p a pop which for the ease and convenience suits me and my pocket.

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