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Unusual animals to see!


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I spotted these at a mate's place yesterday. The chap that owns them is a very good friend and an RFD. I know that these are not really "Sporting pictures" so if the mods want to move this thread to another section please feel free to do so!




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There are wallabies in the wild near Buxton . Story is they escaped from a travelling circus in the 60s and have colonised up on the moors . I have seen them but they are hard to spot in the heather

So I've been told but I have never had the pleasure of going there to try to spot any! I guess one of them would make to think if they came up on the lamp? :hmm:

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there used to be a pair of black swans living on the marshes at saltholm near were I work, used to see them daily, and there was also a flamingo ( believed to be form a zoo not a million miles away) unfortunately some **** with an airgun put paid to that.



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