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Weed killer


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Morning boys and girls I am in the need for some weed killer,but have a massive area to clear

and frankly the price of the stuff makes my eyes water.So question is were can I buy in bulk and sensible money?

many thanks jim


Morning mate.


The problem with the weed killer that you can buy off nowadays is that its ****! All the good stuff has been banned.


If you have a large area to clear then your best bet will be to cut all the weeds down and the dig it all over with a fork, I know this will be back breaking work but it will pay off in the end. After you have dug it all over remove all the weeds and roots that you can. Then spray the ground with weed killer to kill off any roots that may be left.


Hope this helps mate.

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Use Glyphogan/Glysophate concentrate. Get a gallon from agri-merchants for £40/50. It sounds a lot but it goes a very long way and you're likely to need more than one application. Its basically generic Roundup but a cheaper way to buy it and you decide the strength. I keep some in a hand sprayer for spot treating weeds and yu can use a strong mix to kill stumps. It is non selective though. It will kill everything it touches.

Strim the ground first. Remove the trash and when the growth has started to sprout again hit it with a knapsack sprayer. :good:

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can you buy from an agri merchant without a ticket these days? its definitely the way to go but you may need to ask a friendly farmer to do it for you, then simply roundup or equivalent in a knapsack job done.


I bought some from the ag merch recently and didnt need a ticket. You only need that if you are spraying the field. Unless you were born before 1965 or so for some reason as they dont need one. Just another daft law.

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I bought some from the ag merch recently and didnt need a ticket. You only need that if you are spraying the field. Unless you were born before 1965 or so for some reason as they dont need one. Just another daft law.


'Grandfather rights' are quite useful sometimes - they just assume you have done it before, have the skills and know how to be safe.

I use Glyphosate as mentioned above and it does kill everything but make sure the concentration is correct 200 ccs to 10 litres. It does go a long way.


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There is another one. An old weedkiller that was apparently one of the best, is now only used as a composting product. Ammonium sulphamate. You can still buy it as a compost accelerator but it's the same now as it was back then only the use has changed. Works just as it did to kill weeds but to keep it above board I am not saying USE it as a weedkiller I am simply pointing out the ingredients have not changed.


Better than most of the modern watered down crud you are palmed off with these days.

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Good to hear about Glysophate - coming to end of my 5ltrs and I blagged that as they asked if I had a sprayers licence. :good:


I have just finished my last pint of Murphy's lawn weed killer - bought job lot years ago from closing down nursery - if you sprayed that you could smell it for miles but by heck it worked - as said I sprayed some flies in house today - doesn't smell and doesn't kill em anymore but makes them high as kite.



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