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Northern Ireland shooting as an Englishman


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Hi all,


I'm a young English man emigrating to Belfast and it goes without saying that I'm a keen sport shooter too. I lived in the Republic of Ireland for 6 months and despite steering well clear of religion and politics, I had a couple of very scary moments there.


I know the areas to avoid around Belfast but my question is this; am I asking for trouble approaching rural land owners for shooting permission with my unmistakably English accent?


I'd be really grateful if any folks with experience of the current situation in NI could offer advice on the level of tension remaining there.


Many thanks in advance!

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where you goin to live mate.pm if you want


I'll keep it visible in the thread and off PM for now just in case somebody else stumbles across this thread and the info helps them (unlikely though). It's subject to finalising a job offer at the moment but if I make the move I'd be looking at the Stranmillis area.

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We (SACS) have loads of members in N.I. if you join a shooting org it gets you an in and you will get to meet guys like us who are only interested in fishing shooting etc Elspeth in our office can give you a bit of info as well phone 01698 885206. tell her Tam sent you. LOL.


That's sound advice Tam, thanks a lot. When I get over there, I'll be in touch!

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Best of luck with your move, if unfortunately you do experience any unpleasantness just remember for every bad egg there's a lot of good ones and I'm sure you will find a lot of support for your hobby.


There is more than one area of the UK where an 'English' accent can turn heads and arouse comment. ;)

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Best of luck with your move, if unfortunately you do experience any unpleasantness just remember for every bad egg there's a lot of good ones and I'm sure you will find a lot of support for your hobby.


There is more than one area of the UK where an 'English' accent can turn heads and arouse comment. ;)


Damn right there is. I just went to an Asda on the edge of Birmingham and it was like being in Karachi and I really felt out of place.


Best of luck with your relocation.

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Pm me when you move over. You'll be fine down my way.


Thanks a lot Dazza, will do!


Damn right there is. I just went to an Asda on the edge of Birmingham and it was like being in Karachi and I really felt out of place.


Best of luck with your relocation.


Brum is still 60% white christian. So if Thunderbird is right, there must be about 600,000 people shopping at your local Sainsburys! The queue might be shorter at Tesco mate. :D


With that said, I'm not racist by any stretch and the irony of me being prejudiced in my own thread about being English in Northern Ireland would be too much! :)


Thanks all for the input and well wishes!

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I was talking about Wales..... :blush:


Haha, no need to be embarrassed - my joke was about the Englishness of sainsburys, not implying you were racist. I guessed you either meant the valleys or the highlands. :) It could have been anywhere though really, there's not many countries an Englishman can go where he doesn't have some history he could feel guilty about.


If I can help at all just get in touch.


Very kind offer, thanks Brisa!

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I used to do some match fishing a few years ago, their was plenty Englishmen match fishing on different teams and i never heard anything said out of place to anyone, everyone was their for the fishing,i would imagine shooting being the same,so if you come over enjoy your shooting and fishing we aren't that bad, and if you are over during the duck season give me a pm and we'll see can we arrange a day out at the ducks.

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I used to do some match fishing a few years ago, their was plenty Englishmen match fishing on different teams and i never heard anything said out of place to anyone, everyone was their for the fishing,i would imagine shooting being the same,so if you come over enjoy your shooting and fishing we aren't that bad, and if you are over during the duck season give me a pm and we'll see can we arrange a day out at the ducks.


That's reassuring to hear davie and a great offer too thanks! I haven't had a chance to do any wildfowling yet and duck is so tasty, so when I get myself set up with some good shooting, I'll be in touch to see if we can exchange some!


I might get my self over to Ireland ! Sterlings had more invites shooting on this thread than ive ever had ! :lol:


:lol: I know Royboy, the lads in N.I. on this forum seem to be a fantastic bunch and I don't know what I've been so worried about. Reminds me I should really put out some more offers on the forum to take folks out shooting. I've been pretty selfish of late.

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Mate there is no bother at all now days, As you say you know the areas to avoid. There are loads of English people working in shops and just generally getting on with life. Its just the same as any part of the UK nowadays. We also seem to have a big influx of Africans also. Though why they would want to live in NI is beyond me as it pis es down most of the year.

I have quite a few permissions and you are most welcome to come shooting on one or two of them with me .

What sort of stuff do you like shooting?

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Mate there is no bother at all now days, As you say you know the areas to avoid. There are loads of English people working in shops and just generally getting on with life. Its just the same as any part of the UK nowadays. We also seem to have a big influx of Africans also. Though why they would want to live in NI is beyond me as it pis es down most of the year.

I have quite a few permissions and you are most welcome to come shooting on one or two of them with me .

What sort of stuff do you like shooting?


Good to hear things have calmed down in N.I. now. Yeah I've noticed an influx of African folks around here too. You can tell the new arrivals - they're the ones in wooly hats and jackets when it's 25*C outside. I can't see their attraction to damp countries either...


That's a grand offer thanks! I'm keen on pigeon decoying, rabbiting with ferrets/shotgun, virtually anything the .17 can take and I'm getting into deer stalking now too. I'm also a keen pistol shooter, which is costing me a fortune in travel costs.


Well if I make the move soon, I'll drop you a PM to arrange a day's shooting. Cheers mate

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