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Selling a Firearm

deputy dog

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Morning all.


Im wanting to sell my Cz452 to a friend of mine, as im wanting to up grade my rifle to a better model.


My question is?

After filling out the details on each others tickets

do i have to fill a firearm transfer form and send it off to the police firearms HQ. Or will a typed letter from the two of us, informing the Police that a firearms transaction as taken place and my friend now owns the gun, be ok

Reason im asking is?

Iv been told by a shooting friend, that a letter will be ok to let them know.

But iv also been told iv got to fill in a firearms transfere form, as its illegal to sell a gun with out propee documenting it as sold. So basically im asking whats the right way to sell this rifle concerning documentation.


Any feed back would be great as i really dont want to get on the wrong side of the law.





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As far as I know there is no legal obligation to use transfer forms, in fact I e-mail my force. So yes, as long as you both have authority to sell/buy a rifle of that calibre, just send a letter (recorded delivery) to your respective force.
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As long as you inform them within 7 days and include both persons, names, addresses and certificate details and also details of the firearm that will cover it. The forms are downloadable from several Police force websites and also several other sources. They just make it easier to include all relevant information.

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I'm with the Metropolitan Police. It clearly says at the top of their transfer from that you are under no obligation to use it. The Met are quite happy with an email, and I prefer that as it's all time stamped etc. Why not give your lot a ring and see if they accept emails?

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Thanks a lot lads for your feed back. The lad who is buying my gun

just phoned and said he has got the proper forms to fill out

so in a way im happier doing that and doing it properly.

Though learning that its not illeagal just to send a writen letter or EMail

to HQ is a piece of mind, just in case im stuck for a form if and when

i may sell another firearm.


Thanks again lads, i appreciate your help




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You do not fill out each others' tickets. You write the gun and your details on his certificate, and that it, you don't add anything to your certificate.

As already covered it does not need to be the standard notification forms, but it does make it easier. Make sure it goes by recorded delivery, so when if they lose it you can prove it was sent. If using e-mail, a return receipt is needed for the same reason.

Also note that to buy another rifle to replace the one your selling you need to send your certificate back the police to have the slot cleared for a new firearm to be acquired.

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If your sending your cert in for a 1 for 1 might as well post it all together recorded, if not bothered by the 1 for 1 then no need to send cert the form makes everyones life easier as its standardised why S Wales dont but it on the website that you print off or email in i dont know....

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So basically before i go and buy another .17hmr. I will need to send my ticket off to have my

previous rifle the CZ 452 .17 taken off my ticket. Before i buy say a Sako Quad in the same caliber.





You need to open the slot where your previous 17HMR was. Without an open slot, there's no way you can buy another HMR. Semd them all in together via recorded delivery.

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All documentation is up to date from the selling point of view.

I'll be sending off a variation as well for a .22 rim and to get my ticket

opened up on all calibers. Hopefully it wont take tolong to come

back, with all in order how i want it.



Thanks alot again lads, been most informative




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