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Brian May


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in a band ever been in 1? i simply stated that if anyone knows about music then they would have to admit the who were good in there time


You don't need to have been, or be in a band to understand music.


As I've said before music is very subjective, and opinions differ.


I suspect there'll be plenty of pro musicians who think May is a very average guitarist, and The Who were garbage.


I tend to agree with them. :shifty:

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I wonder what fellow muso Eric Clapton makes of Mays warped view. Or Brian Ferry. I had the privelige of meeting Mr Clapton when he came back to his Ferarri and found me gawping at it in Cranleigh High St. Spent ten minutes talking cars and the same talking guns and shooting. dont see him abusing his standing by issuing an ill thought out diatribe.

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poontang - fair point, about May, but I think the Who made some decent stuff.


Baba O'Reilly still sounds good today.


storme37 - I only respond to others having a pop. I have ceased - just see if you can let it go. Time will tell.




digger - this says it all:-



Edited by Gordon R
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Without the band and Freddie Mercury, May would be nowhere within the music scene. Why he can't go away and park his opinions on countryside matters in his garage is beyond me. Daltrey on the other hand is a fly fisher and appreciates the finer things in life.

May is an irritating anti and a **** guitarist.

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that's it i realy hate Brian May now ,JUST BURNT THE SAUSAGES looking at this post RIP pork sticks lol


that's it i really hate Brian May now ,JUST BURNT THE SAUSAGES looking at this post RIP pork sticks lol


Weird. Why exactly did you post the exact same thing just over 30 minutes apart?


digger - this says it all:-




That's a good article, but comments from the antis ruined it as usual.


That article happened after those kids were attacked by a fox, and I seem to remember the parents of those kids got threats from animal rights activists.

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poontang - fair point, about May, but I think the Who made some decent stuff.


Baba O'Reilly still sounds good today.


storme37 - I only respond to others having a pop. I have ceased - just see if you can let it go. Time will tell.




digger - this says it all:-



fair enough theres no problem mate

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I sympathise with you entirely but that statement is not quite correct, surely cows are the main carriers of Bovine TB....


What came first the chicken or the egg? when Constablewas painting the haywain and domestic cattle were living harmoniously in the countryside riddled with badgers was there any Bovine TB then. Where did it come from. Did the badgers have it all along or did the cows give it to the badgers ?


Not trying to be funny just seriously asking the question.


Hi Mike, After the compulsory testing reactor cattle were slaughtered, this left the badger as the main carrier.

Badgers were far less numerous in that period, they were kept in sensible numbers by farmers etc.

Move on to them becoming protected, and as we all know there has been an explosion of their numbers.

Badgers by their nature snuffle through the grass, and they excrete through their snout an awful lot more of

the Tb virus spores than cattle, thus increasing the spread.

Badgers are also communal dwellers and live in large families underground, in the warm humid atmosphere

that they create Tb multiplies much quicker.

And I am not going to knock Brian May, he has after all dedicated his large garden to foxes etc, and his head

is now a bird sanctuary for Woodpeckers.

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I think the really sad thing in all this is people forget that the badgers themselves have TB, TB kills badgers so to control numbers to prevent the spread is in the badger interest, A vaccine is licensed for badger, but this could leave them as carriers to infect cattle, so at the moment not a workable solution a vaccine for cattle is being worked on with some success and is forcast to be available in approx 5 years, so the long term plan seems more palitable for all. However in the short term cows and badgers are dying! surely it's better for just one to be dying, Badgers? Also the compensation paid to farmers for their destory stock should be increased, neighbour just lost 7 cows that were positive reactors (that's a whole other kettle of fish!) £600 a cow for diary fresian! good luck replacing for that money!

Oh and can I just point out agriculture is suited to the landscape, so another reason the move cows to arable land couldn't work (as if that was the only thing wrong with it). But that is aguement used by veggies often, that land used to for animals could produce more food to feed the worlds growing population, well try cropping the uplands were sheep graze and other marignal lands which can be usefully used to produce food. Most veggies don't understand the countryside, they may even buy a house there so they can't be called townies but they don't understand how it works, I often wonder if they think headges just decided to grown and and not spread and large grass areas making the green and pleasent English countryside! Went off on one there a bit, but hey I won't go and tell this townies how to put up their picket fences and park there ford mondeos (or tell May how to play the guitar, even thou I reckon I could teach him a thing or 2) so they can stick to what they know and not wade-in on what dosen't concern them!

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Why did you have to go down the townie route? Yes the moving of stock or switching to crops was a bit daft but townies like me know enough to not ask / suggest that sort of thing.


The bigger picture on the vaccine story was specifically what I was looking for, thanks for that.


Just respectfully suggesting that having a pop at townies on this site is not going to help your cause.

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The term "townie" isn't exactly the best term to use. Many "townies" do understand the countryside very well, some do not but choose to stay out of the politics, and a small number do not understand but seem to think they know best.


The same could be said about people who live in the countryside. Some people who live in the countryside are vegans who oppose stuff like shooting, and do not understand the countryside.


Whether or not you are a "townies" or "country people" is more of a state of mind than a location, and that's why they are difficult words to use. Some "townies" are country people at heart, and vice versa.

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