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Reloading Slugs with Super Sharp Shooter

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A couple of us guys on the duck shoot stayed with the good SSS the night before the 1st. We were wined and dined (a whole rack of lamb each) before having 'just a few' drinks. In reality, we finally got to bed 1 hour before the alarm sounded to get up to get to the lakes in time for first flight. That being said, at least I didn't fall asleep in the reed bed and miss the only ducks going over my peg like last year. I was fully awake, bright eyed and bushy tailed - 2 ducks down with 3 shots. I digress...


Super Sharp Shooter has just bought all the reloading kit so he was giving us a good run through and demo of how it's all done. We made some pretty impressive 3 1/2 42g 2's (I think it was 2's) steel loads on his MEC kit. Very simple and the fact you can make loads not available off the shelf makes it all the more worth while.


I was also quite amazed you can buy all the component parts to make slug shot even without it being on your FAC. If i'm honest, the crimp wasn't great and i'm not sure how well they would shoot, but it was fun making them anyway. I'll dig out a photo of the slug shot in a bit.



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Guest cookoff013

the grey shell looks fine, the crimp is deep enough,

with those super slow powders they really need some pressure to get them burning right.


that wad on the RIGHT looks like it took a right beating.



ps, 2s are great for duck.

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Guest cookoff013

A massive thanks to Super Sharp Shooter and Mrs. Super Sharp Shooter for superb food and excellent company. Really enjoyed getting out on the ducks (even when I missed the lot!) and am looking forward to going again.


You've now got me trawling the For Sale section looking at reloading gear...


more reloaders make the world go round.

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Yep, it was really good Terry. We then came back this way and shot Shillington (Charity Shoot) after the ducks. Scott and Roly stayed at mine and then we did Almshoe on Sunday (after a very interesting and eventful night at the new local).




Plus, shooting those slugs leave trails. Unbelievable.

Edited by huffhuff
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