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Went to weston park game fair yesterday didnt take tickets to stop me getting a new gun. I needed some primers and went to Norman Clark. Behind counter was a notice saying we will not sell powder without a ticket then went to claygame no notice i asked young lady could i have powder without ticket she said its a gray area wrote my name and address and phone no down and i was served. If its not law why do some people enforce it. Only ever came across this once years ago guy before me wanted to buy some 38 cal heads had no ticket so lady shop owner did not serve him.Local people will know shop owner. Dipper.

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Maybe, but it's still mission creep.


Agreed. I can never understand why shooters are quite so intent on inventing unnecessary regulations to hinder themselves with. Not to mention bending over backwards to keep the police or Home Office happy.


I really can't think of any other activity or sphere of business which behaves like this. I don't ever recall hearing of, for instance, the classic car industry playing at this type of rubbish.



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guy before me wanted to buy some 38 cal heads had no ticket so lady shop owner did not serve him.Local people will know shop owner.


On saturday i sat in my garden casting approximately 700x 357 bullets using a mould which is available to anyone with a credit card and with internet access-absolutely shocking behaviour on my behalf!

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on the other hand, would you want people buying powder and primers who are not using it for bullet applications?


What else would you use it for though? On the other hand, are there other applications for it? Do people use it in model rocketry or anything?


If you're thinking of nefarious purposes then I still don't think there's anything really dangerous you can use it for. I'm not aware that it's ever been used in terrorism for making bombs. If the worry is that people will use it to make illegal ammo then they would still need primers which you need to show a cert for.



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What else would you use it for though? On the other hand, are there other applications for it? Do people use it in model rocketry or anything?


If you're thinking of nefarious purposes then I still don't think there's anything really dangerous you can use it for. I'm not aware that it's ever been used in terrorism for making bombs. If the worry is that people will use it to make illegal ammo then they would still need primers which you need to show a cert for.




You only need a certificate to buy rifle and pistol primers, not shotgun primers.

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ahh you mainlanders you want to try and get powder etc over here,

fill out form send to psni

state amount and from where u wish to make purchase

wait up to 2wks get letter back with copy for rfd

then off you go and get what u want(if u asked for it all and dont see something else you want)

stop whinging and realize how easy you have it... :yp: :yp: :yes:


forgot this also applies to getting blanks for dummy launcher or startin gun!!!!

Edited by millrace
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Yes but any regulation is not going to be tight enough to stop the bad guys getting their hands on what they want. All it does is creates a load of inconvenience for the good guys


Well, precisely.


The fact of the matter is that firstly, crimes comitted because people have obtained reloading components are fantastically rare. I think the only one was when David Beiber shot and killed the police officer some years back. Thereafter Parliament passed legislation saying that you cold only sell primers to people who produced a valid certificate. They could very easily have made that apply to powder as well but chose not to so why should we?


Criminals will always get what they want regardless of what anyone else does. All you can really do is stop things getting into the hands of people who don't really wan't to get it to begin with. Anyone who is determined enough will manage to get, and do, exactly what they want.



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