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advice needed on cartridges


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hi all im of up to orkney for a weeks shooting next month decoying geese inland,so am after advice on a good lead cartridge now i have a 3&1/2 inch gun but dont really wnt to blow my shoulder to bits when decoying what carts are you all using ive heard rc40 are good any recomendations.

also wil be flighting some on foreshore so can any 1 reccomend a good steel load 3 1/2 any help appreciated thanks ant

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for the foreshore i reccomend , kents tungsten matrix 3 1/2 56g number 1s , there around £2.40 a shot but you surely want them best cartridge on foreshore and if you add a 3/4 to full choke youve got a 10 bore range


Really!!!! where are you getting them at that price? Just cartridges at a 1000 rate are still £5.90 a shot! Also have you patterned tungsten through 3/4 or full as all my expieriences of tungsten shows that too much choke ruins the pattern.

For me Kent's advice is spot on :good:

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