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Words of warning


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Friday night was the night my fiancee took my collar off and let me out for the night for a spot of lamping, me and two buddies set off to our first permission and all was well. Bunnies in the bags and good laughs along the way. Our second permission required us to park in a lay by and walk down a public road. Two of us suited up, rifles in gun slips and made our way down. 100m down and we were lit up like it was day. We turned expecting a car, only to find our third companion merrily walking down the road with his rifle and lamp pointing at us. On a public road. We jumped the fence into our permission and waited for our third member. A 15 minute argument kicked off about why it probably wasn't a good idea to walk down a public road with a loaded rifle with no gun slip shining the mounted lamp at us. He got the hump at being confronted and ******* off home leaving us to a good nights shooting. People like this only bring anti air gun laws closer. Moral of the story; if you want to act like a ***** and wave loaded guns around on public roads **** off and play call of duty. We don't need you

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Utter idiot, if I were in your position I'd have told him where to go, and I'd never have anything to do with him again.

Aside from walking along the public highway with an un-slipped gun, which is not a good idea, anybody who thinks that it's OK to have a rifle loaded while on a road where you can't shoot it, point a gun at someone in any way, loaded or not, and actually does point a loaded gun at a person/people for any reason is an utter idiot, and has no place with firearms of any kind.


He has no sense of safety, which is the most important part of shooting. In fact, it sounds like he doesn't have any sense about anything.


It's utterly irresponsible, wipe your hands of the moron.

Edited by bedwards1966
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I was shooting rabbits over ferrets and one of the other guns shot at a sitter directly between me and him when we were no more than ten feet apart. He was one side of the hedge and I on the other. He gave up his licence within the week and has not shot since. Sounds like your mate should do the same

Edited by digger
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