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is there a cheap 22-250 out there?


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Barrel wear is a bit subjective, we have a 7.62 rifle that the gunshop told us was completely knackered several years ago but we are still using it as a club rifle and its still producing acceptable results. Fultons are keeping an eye out for a secondhand barrel for it and when one turns up we will get it rebarrelled.



I gave a similar rifle to a mate in Wales and that was in a similar so called shot out condition. He is happy with it, only uses it for plinking on the range.

Edited by Vince Green
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There could be some lightly used and well looked after rifles about. Age is a poor guide to bore condition. I have a 20 odd year old .22-250 with several thousand rounds through it and it can still take the left nut off a gnat at 200 yards. It has been shot in and looked after.


Equally you could buy a younger one that has been shot to death, never cleaned and fed stoked up home loads and gritty bullets off the Land Rover dashboard.


Second hand rifles are a minefield. See it shot and get it bore scoped.


BSA CF2, Parker-Hales many variants, Midlands etc., Ruger 77, Remington, Mannlicher etc. are all worth a look. More depends on its care than it's age. Some of the older models may not have the toys and gizmo's, adjustable triggers etc., but many do.

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allegedly so billy but that would mean the faster the rounds the more through for a given amount of wear which definitely isn't the case


I think when you actually account for a faster round, the actual difference in 'barrel time' is minimal. Perhaps the faster rounds do allow for a longer barrel life, but negated by the increase in pressures and friction.

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