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Naughty old LB had a bit of a wobbler 'cos his BT Internet was playing up.

Henry has yellow carded him for the privilege.






What is the point of this rubbish? Do we all deserve to be treated like kids?


Errrrrrrr Hodmedod,one, I think it was a joke. :good:

It may be hard to believe that henry d has a sense of humour, but he does.


Warnings to individual members are not made in public on the Forum, but by PM.

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Naughty old LB had a bit of a wobbler 'cos his BT Internet was playing up.

Henry has yellow carded him for the privilege.






What is the point of this rubbish? Do we all deserve to be treated like kids?


Errrrrrrr Hodmedod,one, I think it was a joke. :good:

It may be hard to believe that henry d has a sense of humour, but he does.


Warnings to individual members are not made in public on the Forum, but by PM.


Sorry Cranners, I just don't think that things like that are funny. Just my opinion.


I work for the largest chemical company in the world (it's American).


The latest little thing they have come up with is that whatever you do wrong you must face the "Balance of Consequences". You cannot even miss a safety meeting whilst you are on vacation unless you inform the Plant Superintendent in writing beforehand. Guys that have worked at the place for 20 odd years now have to sign a step by step checklist when they do a routine job so that if a mistake is ever made the management have more ammunition to fire in the subsequent Root Cause Analysis and Balance of Consequences (read Crucifixion) fiasco.


I just feel that the yellow card thing is childish, probably because I get enough juvenile cr*p rammed down my throat at work by imbeciles.

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;) I still say give the ***** a ......um thats LB not Henry :look: ......a suspension. :P Make his punisment fit his crime :good: ....which in todays world means he is banned from posting for the full term of 30 seconds :whistling: and sanctioned for parole after 2 :look:






avatar1135bi7.gifsnigger snigger

Edited by henry d
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Hemoroid 1,


You are quite correct, I should have called you Haemorrhoid 1, because you are getting to be a pain in the nether regions!

I understand that they are treating you as a child in your work place! Could that be where you problem lies? Is it that you see every figure of authority as an enemy? The post Henry D made was pretty innocuous, to say the least. It seems the only person to take exception to it was you. I now ask myself, is there a link?



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Hemoroid 1,


You are quite correct, I should have called you Haemorrhoid 1, because you are getting to be a pain in the nether regions!

I understand that they are treating you as a child in your work place! Could that be where you problem lies? Is it that you see every figure of authority as an enemy? The post Henry D made was pretty innocuous, to say the least. It seems the only person to take exception to it was you. I now ask myself is there a link?




Tiresome Tiercel.

Your Hemoroid quip was not really amusing the first time around. The repeat performance was rather lacklustre.

I fear the one with a link is you. It would appear to be between your **** and your brain. That is probably why you talk ****.

Several members posts have been edited recently. Some members have been banned and some have not. There appears to be a far greater degree of censorship on this forum than there used to be. In view of this, I did not find Henry's yellow card amusing.

I see freedom of thought and speech as a right. I take American litigation limitation excercises as an insult. Don't make comments about things you know nothing about.

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There have been several posts edited and members banned as they did not follow the policy and rules of this site ....rules that everyone has suppossedly read and agreed to follow. The Mods do a great job on this site. They are fair with their judgements and usually let things go to a certain extent, this site has a lot of youngsters on it including my own and I for one am quite happy with the way it is ran.



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Tiresome Tiercel.


Tiresome? Ok leave, we don't force you to suffer our innane dribblings.


I fear the one with a link is you. It would appear to be between your **** and your brain. That is probably why you talk ****.


Tiercel is one of the better guys around here, pick your fights wisely oh so clever one, otherwise you might find yourself outnumbered with no friends :look:


Several members posts have been edited recently. Some members have been banned and some have not. There appears to be a far greater degree of censorship on this forum than there used to be. In view of this, I did not find Henry's yellow card amusing.

I see freedom of thought and speech as a right. I take American litigation limitation excercises as an insult. Don't make comments about things you know nothing about.


The board rules are simply laid out, so that even someone as clever and important as you could find them, mr sore ****. Being the chap you are, you must spend your entire day either reading about, commenting on or arguing about very simple rules. The ones here, you were given the oportunity to read when you joined, you should know all about.


No swearing, no competition to the main sponsor.


Yet your last two "arguments" would suggest you didn't read these simple rules. Shame on you, and you a councilor as well.


No great suprise, you are all the bloody same anyway, why the hell would anyone want to be in government? There is an answer, but I can't post it for fear of being red carded :good::whistling:


Grow up H1, or lighten up.

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Tiresome? Ok leave, we don't force you to suffer our innane dribblings.



You have obviously read the post in which I stated I was a councillor. You may have also noticed that one of the points I raised was the amount of pointless threads/posts appearing on this forum.


As you have been a member of the forum for just over three months and have amassed a total of 830 posts, no doubt some of them fall into the above categories.

I have been on here for 18 months and posted 294, so I would like to think I was slightly more selective.


There is a thread currently running which has amassed 470 posts (32 pages). It has had 3785 views. This is the sort of dross I am referring to. I quote the statistics for the benefit of other readers, not yourself. As you are one of the contributors to the thread, you know all about it.



Tiercel is one of the better guys around here, pick your fights wisely oh so clever one, otherwise you might find yourself outnumbered with no friends :good:


I had no interaction with Tiercel until he made his comments last night. I was merely returning the compliment. As for fights and being outnumbered, this is a forum on a computer, not the Battle of the Somme. Have you become confused between your PC and your PS2?



What is the point of this rubbish? Do we all deserve to be treated like kids?


"If the cap fits, wear it"



Unfortunately Stuart, I fear the cap fits several of this forums members. I am sure that you have had your cap for quite a while and look very fetching in it.

I am precluded from purchasing one as being a member of the Henry D Appreciation Society is mandatory for cap owners.

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You have obviously read the post in which I stated I was a councillor. You may have also noticed that one of the points I raised was the amount of pointless threads/posts appearing on this forum.




Sigh, I raised a fair point about the forum rules being laid out for all to see, you accepted them as you joined yet not a single comment about that.


As for your comments about the number of posts I have, you seem to be the only one who cares. I have never liked the system of "number of posts = status" nor do I pay any attention to it. I post what I post becuase I have something to say, something to add or just because it is a free country and I will do as I please.


You can easily review my posts, the forum offers you that feature. I wouldn't expect you to have looked, though. Much easier to criticise without evidence, isn't it?


If you don't like a topic simply ignore it, this keeps creeping up again and again with you. I don't make you read it. If you look on balance the vast majority of the posts here are constructive, informative and well put together. If you feel a post or thread is in some way breaking the rules you have the option to report it to the moderating team, why don't you do that instead of ignoring what I said and simply diverting the reply to suit your own needs? Typical politician.


You are obviously suffering from a sense of humour failure, lighten up for gods sake man :good:

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I am closing this thread, not as an act of unfair censorship, but because it has denegrated into personal insults and is no longer serving any useful purpose.


If a member wants to comment on the post of another member, or a Moderator (who are members also), then they have the right to do so.

As long as it doesn't get abusive, or personally insulting.


The "censorship/editing" on this Forum mainly concerns the use of mock bad language and most people seem to have missed the post made by Teal that is pinned at the top of this section of the Forum.

As a reminder;


"We're implementing a new policy of no foul language. Please don't believe that changing to **** or **** or sh?te, is acceptable either. Let's just lose the bad language altogether. The filter is in place for a reason, if you really must just post *****'s, and everyone can then insert their own words.


Any personally abusive posts will be deleted and members suspended. Threads that contain a mixture of good and bad will be weeded to remove the bad whilst leaving the good. There will be no deleting of entire threads just because one or two people try to make it happen (not if there is anything of value contained within it anyway)."

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