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Hello and could you answer a few questions?


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First of all- Hi guys, I'm pleased to be on the forum and hope to get to know some of you better over time!


Essentially I am applying for the grant of a shotgun certificate (first time) and need a few things clarified. I have 7 years experience of shooting both target rifles (.22 and 7.62, airguns and shotguns) so I am well into the sport and very enthusiastic but it has always been at clubs or at a friends. Anyway here are my questions- thanks in advance for any help/advice


I am 17 and while reading up online and talking to friends with FAC's and SGC's about purchasing shotguns and ammunition I have encountered age restrictions varying from 17 to 18- it even varies between police websites! could someone settle this one for me once and for all, 17 or 18 to purchase shotguns and ammunition?


I live at 2 different addresses and was wondering what rules are regarding storing a shotgun in either address if I get my certificate, I do have a cabinet and a gun "clamp" which meet current specs so could have one in each but what are the rules, if I have registered one address on my form can I move the gun to the other whenever I am at the other address? I live in Scotland if that helps and one home is in Perthshire and the other in Fife so not a million miles apart. I would have access to shooting facilities from both places.


Do I have to have my security (gun safe) installed before the visit from the firearms officer or can I discuss installing them and location within the house etc in the first meeting then have him visit again once this has been done to check the arrangements?


These are my questions for now, hope you guys can help out


Many thanks



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Hi welcome to the forum . I have dual storage facilities on my FAC cert . But restrictions or conditions cannot be applied to shotgun .

I live on a boat with my guns but have a safe at my dads when I don't want them with me . Both locations had to be inspected . Once done my feo took my FAC and added the condition of storage . But told me there was no such arrangement with shotgun and I could keep them anywhere I wanted . Hope this helps

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You don't need to have the gun safe at the first interview with the FEO. i didn't as i wnated asvice on the best location.


It just delays the process as they must come out and inspect it before issuing you the cert. All they did on mine was bring the cert to my house instead of posting it out. inspect the cabinet once happy they handed the cert over. No problem at all.


As mentioned above just ask the FEO they will give you all the advice that you would need.

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