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Police Request?


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The person at the end of the phone line will likely not be a police officer but civilian call handler. They are under immense pressure not to screw up so they will often take more and ask more than is necessary. Giving the car registration could be handy as members of the public do ring up a lot saying this or that car is parked up and it looks unusual or out of place. That would then save time for us. Likewise if someone phones up saying I've seen a bloke with a gun and he got out of this car we can deal with it without sending anyone out. Same for the timings.

Also remember these call handlers are not legal experts. It's not their job so they can't know everything. They take calls from people about absolutely everything and I'm sure you have seen the sort of stuff I'm on about on tv.


Having said that there is no requirement to inform the police. I don't and have no intention of doing so but if you do have the courtesy to let them know when your done if its asked as they can then shut the log down and know your not there later when shots are heard and it might be poachers.


I forgot to say when you phone up and they create a log depending on the type of call a certain set of questions are generated. They can be quite general so some of the questions might not seem meaningful to you but they would be to reports of someone shooting/poaching who has a vehicle nearby. Don't take it to heart and don't dwell on it. You will just be one of thousands of people to call the police that day.


Remember 5WH......Who , What, Where, When, Why, How.......the police ask questions.....it's what we do!




Whenever you have a spare moment people why not pop into your local police station for a chat. Any subject will do, they can then ask questions about any lawful activity you intend to go about. Asking questions is what they do. It's nice and warm and there'll be plenty of tea and buscuits. It's a lot easier than crime fighting after all and a lot more friendly than interviewing criminals. You have to catch criminals first and that's real inconvenient.

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We used to do it on one permission as it was near a road. We stopped as soon as we realised the police have to turn up anyway, its pointless.I respect they have to do their job but im not going to spend an hour on the phone trying to explain to them where the land is and they still tuern up to check its you anyway. It was never a requirement but we just did it as a token of good will, when someone complained they turned up anyway, scared all the rabbits off and made the job a bit more inconvenient for us.

Edited by demonwolf444
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