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To be perfectly honest if you put them all in a mixing pot you wouldn't get a decent one. None of them live in the real world, they are all only in it for themselves and serving the voters only matters every 4 or 5 years.


Yes Thatcher was bad, but she was the only British PM with any balls. She took on the unions and saw the miners strike out to the end. she sent a task force to the falklands, where most people wouldn't have bothered.


Whether you agree or not with her policies she made a decision and stood up to be counted.


And she kept a labour government out for many a year. Even if the tories do get in, it won't be long before people are slagging them off and praying for another labour government.

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To be perfectly honest if you put them all in a mixing pot you wouldn't get a decent one. None of them live in the real world, they are all only in it for themselves and serving the voters only matters every 4 or 5 years.


Yes Thatcher was bad, but she was the only British PM with any balls. She took on the unions and saw the miners strike out to the end. she sent a task force to the falklands, where most people wouldn't have bothered.


Whether you agree or not with her policies she made a decision and stood up to be counted.


And she kept a labour government out for many a year. Even if the tories do get in, it won't be long before people are slagging them off and praying for another labour government.




Couldn't agree more.


Politicians become politicians as a career move and for power - it is not about their satisfying a desire to serve their country or their people. There is not a cigarette paper between any of the parties because each party is full of career politicians.


It is however nice for labour to prove that they are as sleezy as the tories. Anyone catch the documentary on the loans for honours scandal - a classic bit of underhanded skullduggery.

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To be perfectly honest if you put them all in a mixing pot you wouldn't get a decent one. None of them live in the real world, they are all only in it for themselves and serving the voters only matters every 4 or 5 years.


Yes Thatcher was bad, but she was the only British PM with any balls. She took on the unions and saw the miners strike out to the end. she sent a task force to the falklands, where most people wouldn't have bothered.


Whether you agree or not with her policies she made a decision and stood up to be counted.


And she kept a labour government out for many a year. Even if the tories do get in, it won't be long before people are slagging them off and praying for another labour government.


They didn,t call the owd bitch"The Iron Lady" for nothing.She had balls that none of the others have. She at least stood behind her words. Not bad as I think all politicians should be used as running targets.

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Some of you might enjoy this potted history of BROON and where he comes from. :lol:


"Auld Broon" has the constituancy right next to the one I live in here in Fife. Labour got in for the simple reason there were too many folks who still thought of the world in terms of get rid of the toffs and let us working tykes rule the country - Ha - bloody - ha!


Broon's whole county of FIFe is very much grounded on the old mining communities that existed around here when he was a young un. The problem was, that all around these areas were farming communities based on LARGE areas of arable land - owned by not a lot of rich folks. Hence the reason for so much support of Labour in this area. As time marched on though, the miners workforce demanded more and more for the extremely hard and dangerous work they did and the National COal Board didn't want to pay them that much - not so different from when the mines were all in private ownership - but at least the men nowadays had health and safety and guaranteed wages and compensation. The NCB began to run down some of the less prosperous pits and closed those which had had really horrific faults and dangerous working conditions - to the extent there are only now fairly small opencast mines (all in private ownership again) in Fife at this time. When I was a kid there were 9 pits on a stretch of coastline 7 miles by two miles inland. I'm the son of a miner - a miner who would not let his son sign up for a pit apprenticeship because - as he said "there is no bloody way you are going down there!" Most fathers said the same to their sons.


Now Broon is the son of a minister (who died not that long ago) and the area where he lived was Kirkaldy - an area surrounded by deep shaft mines - and very rich seams they held and still hold today. (The problem is - they don't at present have the technology and the skilled workforce capable of extracting it.)


Fife was rife for it when all the old comrades campaigns were going on in the earlier parts of the 1900s and many (very) strong connections were made throughout most of the labour workforce in scotland - and the total became pretty much united in their spite of those who did have the money and the idea of sharing all this wealth amongst everyone became a very voluble and popular theme amongst the many. The working man had great aspirations in the field sports as well. No longer was it good enough for them to go hare coursing, pheasant poaching etc, etc - all sports seen to be the domain of the poorer working class chap! They wanted into the shooting as well!


They got their way too, because there were old laws which rightly gave them some form of access to it. there were those who had long known the laws relating to wildfowling and how the sovereign owned the shooting rights at certain levels on the foreshore etc, etc etc. Farms were in a decline because labourers were no longer willing - unless forced to - take on poorly paid work when they could get a simple labouring job in the mines that paid far greater money - the result - gamekeepers and farmworkers became quite thin on the ground and many farmers started giving permission for local miners etc to have the vermin rights on their lands.


Over the years this took off with farmers realising they could lease an area of land to small syndicates who would stock and maintain pheasants etc and this would bring in more money to the farms. These syndicates comprised mainly of miners.


Now you may wonder where is this ramble of mine leading you?


Well I see it quite simple (knowing me it will be too simple) Fife is nowadays an even more arable area than it ever was and there is some really prized shooting areas on it - these bring in BIG money. In addition to this, there is some absolutely fantastic pigeon shooting available on most farms in the area and there are businesses that have built up around that fact. Check out the back pages of Shooting times etc and you will see what I mean. The old miners - some of whom are still shooting - have given us a great heritage in this area and it is them that helped put Broon where he is now and hopes to be fairly soon - and he'd better not forget that


Broon had the majority at the last elections for his constituancy - not as big as he would have liked - but that was on the back of the dyed in the wool conditioning of sons and daughters from the ma's and pa's who had always voted labour and utterly detested the tories. Add to that the imposition Maggie placed on the miners during the strike and it is no surprise Fife has long been a labour stronghold - the tories are everything that labour detests and so does its supporters - regardless of whether or not they might be right in what they do or did for the country when in power!


But - as in the words of Bob Dylan - "the times they are a changing". Fife is becoming a dormitory area for Edinburgh and Dundee, from which people are now commuting into the cities - because housing is more affordable in Fife. And a big bonus is the fact that living in Fife you are never more than 5 minutes from the countryside itself. Loads of recreational facilities at good prices - including clay shoots, fishing permissions and so on and so on. Fife is fast becoming a capitalist society and we all know what that means in terms of voting usually.


Already there are large swings in the coastal areas of Fife where Menzies Campbell is the loal politician and currently leader of the Libs. He normally walks away with the vote there - always a thorn in the labour party's side. Fife Council committe meetings are reported weekly in all the local papers and it is like a Punch and Judy show with labour councillors being accused of all kinds of nefarious and underhand dealings, vote rigging and so on. If it wasn't for the fact these people run the authority I would even consider laughing! The labour party in Fife is now one under attack from all sides - long gone are the days when it was an all labour committee.


Now I'm thinking that the field sports supporters in this area are now bound to be a much larger group than they ever were - and we all have just as long memories as our ma's and pa's who always voted labour, we were always reminded not to hold a grudge (no no) but just to make sure we made the ******* pay in the long run. Well labour has had a long run - we've more or less all seen through the Tony sham now - he's even seen through it himself! Methinks Broon may become prime minister one day - but only if he can bring himself to see the error of his ways and also thinks about the heritage those old miners left behind them - and then decides to re-instate the hunting ways - fully and openly!


Honest guys I'm not trying for the longest post on the site! :yp:


Pushkin :)

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To be perfectly honest if you put them all in a mixing pot you wouldn't get a decent one. None of them live in the real world, they are all only in it for themselves and serving the voters only matters every 4 or 5 years.


Yes Thatcher was bad, but she was the only British PM with any balls. She took on the unions and saw the miners strike out to the end. she sent a task force to the falklands, where most people wouldn't have bothered.


Whether you agree or not with her policies she made a decision and stood up to be counted.


And she kept a labour government out for many a year. Even if the tories do get in, it won't be long before people are slagging them off and praying for another labour government.


They didn,t call the owd bitch"The Iron Lady" for nothing.She had balls that none of the others have.




Yes She got them from Ann Summers :yp: :lol:

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