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30 yard dog fox last night!!


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Was out last night on the bunnies for the 1st time with my .22lr wearing a Yukon nvrs-f nightvision scope I've been lent from a friend.


Not much about I think maybe due to the freezing North wind and was dificult to stalk coz of the clear moonlit sky, so decided to tuck into some bushes along a field on my sticks to see if anything popped out of a sheltered spot.


Scanning the hedgeline with my NV spotter I saw a fox jump out of a hedge about 150 yards away. Moved myself into position with the nv scope switched on and rifle balanced and thought I'd try out some calls I have on my iphone.


I put a distressed hare call on and **** me this fox started pelting towards me down the hedgeline. I put the phone in my pocket still going, lobbed my spotter in my pocket and by the time I looked through the scope it was barely 40 yards in front of me still coming full tilt!!


My heart was pounding like a drum and I ended up semi barking and screaching like a werewolf to get it to stop, :shout: or I reckon it would have run through my legs!!


I don't think it could work out why there was still a hare sound coming from me and some idiot howling at the same time, but it did the job and it finally froze staring straight at me no more than 25-30 yards away.


Quick flick of the safety, gentle squeeze and down he went. This is the 4th fox I've shot and they have all been in superb condition. I'll have to get meself sorted and skin one sometime to make a hat! It seems such a waste to throw them into the skip each time, coz as much as they need controlling I think they are a lovely looking animal! :good:







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Nice fox that, keep shooting them, how u getting on with your .22-250?


Cheers chaps.


Not been out with it much tbh mate, as it's on a borrowed condition my mate uses it more than I do. Got it back round mine this week and actually took it out to use last night but was too tired and came home about 10pm!!


I'm defo going to be using it more now coz we seem to be on top of the bunnies and seeing more Charlie about. We saw 2 others last night but were in no position to take a shot.


You get my message about going out at xmas?

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