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New Permission


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I am feeling really pleased having just a got a new permission over about 700 acres of prime cereal land. Got the new ground through a recommendation from a farmer who's ground I already shoot over. He's had all his OSR destroyed by slugs and has ploughed in what was left and is now going to drill wheat so knew I would be searching for ground over the winter.


The new land has about 150 acres of OSR which is being hit hard and it is only the second time the farmer has grown OSR so he is worried that they will wipe out the crop. He was disappointed that I had not brought my gun with me when he showed me around this afternoon.


I have said that I will check out the fields again tomorrow a couple of times and instead of going beating on Monday may well be able to get out shooting. Trouble is there is so much acreage of OSR it could do with 2 or 3 others guns, will need to get on the phone later to try and persuade friends to come out with me.


The only down side is that there game shoot over the same ground!


:shifty: :shifty: :good:

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Well done on the new permission recently bagged one too it certainley puts a spring in your step. This year while lamping after harvest i seen hedgehogs like never before, you mention slugs and its been a wet year. Maybe with it been wet so no doubt more slugs meaning a good year for hedgehogs breeding? Odd but maybe. Well done with the new permission wish you the best with it.


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Well, having got this new permission things are getting a bit difficult. The farmer who has given me permission is the tenant, but the gamekeeper (who holds the game shooting rights) has gone directly to the landowner, who has, apparently said, that he does not want anyone else shooting.


Was due to go out tomorrow morning and telephoned the gamekeeper (as agreed) to let him know to be told by him that the landowner has said no. It gets worse, I telephone the tenant farmer to let him know, he is not happy, I said that I would not be out tomorrow until it was sorted. Within 15 minutes he was back on the phone to say that he had spoken to the landowner and had sorted it all out!


He has agreed to telephone the keeper to tell him 'the news' and also to meet me at 7.30am tomorrow. I have asked him to sign a permissions form which he has agreed.

I cant say I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning, but willing to give it a try once to see what happens.


Has anyone else experienced such a problem????

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my last permission had more restrictions than a squaddies rules of engagement and in the end the horse owners won ,farmer wanted his rape n wheat looking after horsey wife didnt want nasty bangs scaring the poor likkle fings .the horseless side was sold for a ban everything jubilee wood n the main farm was put outa bounds so u have my deepest been there wear the t shirt sympathy

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a new brand of rope bangers, called ATOMIC BANGERS, being launched through all the regular stockists from 31st January 2013.

I have read that they are £29.99 per box of 12 and there are 14 BANGERS PER ROPE.

Seems like excellent value compared with what's out there at the moment - 16% more bangs for your bucks!!

Check out the website www.ropebangers.com

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