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cannabis made legal


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You know Lumpy that's a good idea ! but seriously if value your ticket & shooting & your heath its best every one lay off the S... !


Merry Christmas Pole Star


Clearly my guess was correct,


You are nothing more than a troll looking to start an argument.

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You know Lumpy that's a good idea ! but seriously if value your ticket & shooting & your heath its best every one lay off the S... !


Merry Christmas Pole Star

why don't you leave this post and go pester someone else about the geese you post about Edited by martyn2233
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Cannabis is rotten to the core ! & I hope it stays illegal & if you use it & you get caught then its your own look out in the 19th centry it was said China was a nation asleep !

& if cannabis was legalized I don't think we would be much better I have known plenty of those who indulge in it & I have seen how ruins people to the point that it just turns them into a dopey vegetables very quickly to such a point they are not fit to be holding any thing that needs a clear mind let alone a firearm ! or even a driving license !.


So I would like to bid all none users & user's alike a very merry xmas

One last thing the police just love topics like these as it dose not take them long to work it out amongst the posters & where to find them ! for instance A south welsh man living in Kent who holds a shotgun/firearm cert :hmm: they could find him before dawn if wanted :good: .


And some empty head said I was an internet Troll ! :lol: :lol: :lol: Regards Pole Star


( must go & get my double 8bore & amo ready for the morning flight ! & I am an internet Troll ! :lol: :lol: :lol: get a life ! )

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Cannabis is rotten to the core ! & I hope it stays illegal & if you use it & you get caught then its your own look out in the 19th centry it was said China was a nation asleep !

& if cannabis was legalized I don't think we would be much better I have known plenty of those who indulge in it & I have seen how ruins people to the point that it just turns them into a dopey vegetables very quickly to such a point they are not fit to be holding any thing that needs a clear mind let alone a firearm ! or even a driving license !.


So I would like to bid all none users & user's alike a very merry xmas

One last thing the police just love topics like these as it dose not take them long to work it out amongst the posters & where to find them ! for instance A south welsh man living in Kent who holds a shotgun/firearm cert :hmm: they could find him before dawn if wanted :good: .


And some empty head said I was an internet Troll ! :lol: :lol: :lol: Regards Pole Star


( must go & get my double 8bore & amo ready for the morning flight ! & I am an internet Troll ! :lol: :lol: :lol: get a life ! )


A couple of sandwiches short of the full hamper...


Of course the Chinese were indulging in opium smoking in the 19th Century. A whole other kettle of fish.

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Polestar your a mentalist on a Scottish island and probably identifiable by the police as a mentalist who shouldn't have a ticket.


As for you being a grass as well, well knock yourself out I've got nothing to hide and would be happy to fill a cup up if asked for a test.


You haven't even tried to follow the topic or the discussion. Well done you.

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I do not have an issue with it if the users did not burgle my house, steal my car or mug my mother to fund it . Sadly the wasters do do that so it is a problem.



They do that to buy jewellery and BMW's should we ban those as well? How many more years shall we try


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Pole star although i find you amusing in the fact you seem to feel the need to target me, your constant accusations are both pointless and incorrect ! so as a gesture of good will if you send me your address i would be more than happy to post you a bottle of my wee just to put your mind at rest :good:

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As stated many times, undercut the illegal market with safer more effective production. Your repeating the same arguments which have been opposed already.


gazz , you, i and many others on this thread know the goverment could not price match the illegal market,and safer more effective production is not an issue, they would never produce it or ask anyone too, look at what has happened with tobacco,they are trying to price it out the market because they know the damage it has done and will continue to do so,thus getting them away from lawsuit,s like what has happened in the states,


you really are talking something that will not happen, some of your comments have become a bit personal why,,are you on a sinking ship,,just get real,cannabis will never be made legal in this country, not interested in your feeble excuses it will never happen,


listen have a happy christmas be it drunk or stoned in your own home (i,m not bothered ) just chill out and have a great christmas bud,,,,cheers evo

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Polestar your a mentalist on a Scottish island and probably identifiable by the police as a mentalist who shouldn't have a ticket.


As for you being a grass as well, well knock yourself out I've got nothing to hide and would be happy to fill a cup up if asked for a test.


You haven't even tried to follow the topic or the discussion. Well done you.

Well Pussy.....cat your insult as to me being a mentalist & the police know me as one & I should not have ticket !!! well I have bad news for you I guided a serving police officer from England in September & 2 of my friends here are retired police officers & one of them is a retired firearms officer ! . So fell free to chew your insult ! oh ! yes my dear chap that bag of stuff you & your mate want to send it would be best if you send it for testing or that place of yours in the shade where the ths sun don't shine ? :good:
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gazz , you, i and many others on this thread know the goverment could not price match the illegal market,and safer more effective production is not an issue, they would never produce it or ask anyone too, look at what has happened with tobacco,they are trying to price it out the market because they know the damage it has done and will continue to do so,thus getting them away from lawsuit,s like what has happened in the states,


you really are talking something that will not happen, some of your comments have become a bit personal why,,are you on a sinking ship,,just get real,cannabis will never be made legal in this country, not interested in your feeble excuses it will never happen,


listen have a happy christmas be it drunk or stoned in your own home (i,m not bothered ) just chill out and have a great christmas bud,,,,cheers evo


Although i understand and respect your opinion surley its safe to say that there would be a huge market for legal cannabis purely based on the size of the industry in other countries would it not ?

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i would like too agree with you and if it was produced and sold cheaper then fair cop,,but they could not and would not grow there own or sell it due to the massive costs involved,


i wish something would happen because society today is slipping into the dark ages,


it is very rare now to see the good old community spirit and thats a shame,so something has to be done,what i dont know but as said i would certainly spend more time and money on catching the big time dealers but as you know this alone can cost millions in man power surveilance etc and then the ridiculouse law firm fee,s so as i see it we are all in a no win senario


i have fantastic neighbours,but had a load of pot heads living next door to me in my old house, music being played till all hours,banging and bashing,aggresive behaviour,you name it they did it and no one would help not even the police,so what happened,,,,i took the law into my own hands(wrong i know) but the next time he and two of his mates offended and insulted me and my wife i gave them what they deserved after one of them threw a punch,,not my fault i have trained in martial arts since the age of six,but i did have to defend myself,,i put up with them doing this for more than 3 years and the more i backed down the more aggressive the taunts and insults became and these where people who were stoned,yes very aggressive and guess what it was me that ended up with a criminal record,,,,ridiculous




this is another reason i would not want it legalised because not all on cannabis are happy friendly people the sooner we can do something about it the better

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Theres another thing to think about with prescription drugs, where are the people getting the money from to pay for it which is one of the biggest problems and the fact that probably a lot of them wont pay for prescriptions at all and also can you imagine what your doctors surgery will look like if druggies can score for free by telling their GP a pack of lies, good luck if anyone needs any sort of medical attention and think about the cost and strain on services on that as well.


Of course private companies are loving this idea, they can make something cheap and sell it at a massive profit and they dont have to worry about not getting paid the government and in turn the tax payer will be doing that in one way or the other.


People keep mentioning the money made from the drugs tourism industry in Holland, but think how that works, they are paying for a flight and hotel and buy that countries product with foreign cold hard cash then they leave the country. Its all the profit and non of the cost, they dont need to worry about the cost of where the money is coming from in this country (mugging or benefits) or the long term cost of policing and medical care, theres no tax burden.


Thats one way I look at it.

Edited by pimpkiller
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thats what i dont like, how they let users do what they want and totally aim at just the dealers. All a dealer does is buys and sells an item and then that money probably gets spent in the economy. A user will be doing the robbing, burgling and benefit claiming and have all the policing,social and medical costs spent on them.


Im not for a second saying drug dealing is OK and I know the police aim at them because its easier to catch one guy to get lots of drugs off the street but I think they need to aim at the bottom level not the top.


I think if they treat it like normal smoking and drill it into peoples heads that "drugs is bad" it would be better than giving the message that drugs are OK.

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