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pain killers

darren m

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i ended up on oramorph(liquid morphine) and morphine tablets for a damaged back at the beginning of the year,it took some convincing the doctor but it took the pain down to a manageable level,be warned it is addictive,i took it for a month until i could contain the pain myself and then stopped,i was taking 40mg 3 times a day.


I cannot take tramadol as it makes me chuck everywhere,but i can hold down morphine.


If you can get off the painkillers as soon as possible,they are good to give you relief but not the best thing to be on long term,i use self hypnosis to contain my pain and keep moving,not so easy i know with a pelvic tear.

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For my knee they stared me on ibufrophen max strength, (never touched the pain) can't tolerate paracetmol so co-codamol was out of the question, next came neproxan and reacted violently with them, I had 2 tablets and still surrering from the side affects a week later (this wipes a whole family of pain killers out). Now on neat codine but have to keep taking them to a minimum, as they are addictive and bung you up.

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Got Diclofenac for kidney stone pains which are ok generally but I had to go to A&E for a Pethidine injection a week afore my op as the pain getting unbearable , my doctor has given me some Pethidine tabs if I suffer that again . I still get twinges but not had to use the Pethidine yet .

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Sorry to be a bit of a disgusting downer, but be careful of too much of any opiate-based painkillers with any pelvic floor or groin hernia. BIG risk of - well, no pretty way of saying it - constipation, followed by the usual gruntin' and 'eavin, can do more damage to the hernia. I know you are in pain, but if you must take these, you might need to adjust your diet to suit, plenty of fresh orange juice etc. Take care, hope it feels better soon, and hope you have a better Christmas.

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Sorry to be a bit of a disgusting downer, but be careful of too much of any opiate-based painkillers with any pelvic floor or groin hernia. BIG risk of - well, no pretty way of saying it - constipation, followed by the usual gruntin' and 'eavin, can do more damage to the hernia. I know you are in pain, but if you must take these, you might need to adjust your diet to suit, plenty of fresh orange juice etc. Take care, hope it feels better soon, and hope you have a better Christmas.


good call mate -- i,ve got some stool softeners as well , for just that , the doc did warn me and yep codine makes it worse

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thanks for your replies chaps they do help , just talking about helps to be honest .


all i can say is the pain is like someone is shoving a red hot sharp sword up my bum , that penetrates out through my prostate , bladder and pubic bone area. sometimes i cant even walk especially when the loo beckons that feels like a cattle prod in the balls.

worse pain i,ve ever known more like electric shocks than the usual stuff , i suppose its all the nerves down there.

its agony to use the loo no1 and no 2 like passing razor blades, and sitting too long does,nt help either , and if i cough well aaaaggghh


its happened before in the past and was given masses of antibiotics for prostate infection i had blood tests and PSA test , but no infection found and so the doc came up with a pelvic tear diagnosis , but cant be confirmed because its not visible ie too deep. now he just wants to fill me with pain killers and rest.


i,m going have to wait till thurs to see if i can get into see the doc again , the system here is rubbish , you have to hobble into reception and then hobble home to await a phone call for them to tell you if they think your ill enough to be seen , then hobble back .


anyway again thanks and merry christmas

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