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What's making that noise?


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This started on Monday during the Pheasant shoot.

We had some young lads beating with us (members son and nephew)I had lined them up on a bank

and as we reached a fence,the plan was for the Father to swap onto the other side and work

his dog through some Holly trees as the original bank was a lot shorter(lay of the land)

As he swapped i noticed the youngsters had followed him, ??? so we relined and finished the beat,

only to find a Fox had been heading to no7 gun,but,with no beaters to pressure it...well

it simply dropped back into the wood and doubled back. :rolleyes:


Now sober and recovered,i headed to the same field at dusk.There is a moto x track in this

particular field and it has produced a few Fox over the years.The lads who run it had been

doing some work,so quick chat and they left.I parked the Jimny up on the table top

(large flat topped jump) and placed the caller some 75yds away.


After about an hour of various calls i tried a Fox vocal really loud for 10mins then switched it

off,waited another 5 mins and thought "ah well" onto the next stand.

By now the wind had really got up.

I got out of the car,lifted the bolt on the rifle and proceeded to relieve myself...downwind of course :P

All of a sudden i heard the weirdest noise that is hard to explain.At 1st i thought Owl as the

call was simply 3 short sharp screeches.They appeared to be getting closer and as i was now finished

my ablutions,i slowly made my way back around the motor and picked up the Archer,switched it on and

turned to see a Fox some 35yds away rubbing itself on a fencepost and still making these 3 calls. :blink:

Typical i thought as i watched it cross the track and head towards the caller,seemingly uninterested in me.

I got into the passenger seat,attached the NV and closed the door,not fully but enough to hold it.Rifle onto the window rest and scan.

When i picked up the Fox,it was sitting side on just in front of the caller.Safety off,x on the left hand

side of the chest (left to right wind) gently squeezed the trigger and click..have you guessed yet?

Bolt was still up :blush: and the Fox moved off down the hill.

Bolt closed and picked it up again some 150yds away,it moved off left as i got the Vixen call on and stopped about 130yds away looking straight at me...again x on the left of the chest and this time i fire... i hear the hit but it's not clean and the Fox is doing circles.Quick reload and it stops side on sitting and checking it's back end.

I aim some 4-5 inches left and hit it clean just behind the front leg and down he goes.

The 1st shot had been blown some 4-5 inches by the wind over 130yds and went through his back leg..was only allowing 2-3".

2nd shot was within 20seconds of the 1st but still felt bad for him.

He was 1 of the heaviest Foxes I've shot although i don't weigh them so don't know how much.


Had a call at another area with the farmer but nothing seen so just the 1 to start the year off.

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Nice write-up and a lovely Fox there Jeff-Well done bud!Keep em coming in 2013.

Speak soon.

Cheers Mark..still need another 3 ;)


Tip Top Shot :good: :good: :good:

Thanks Mitch


Good shooting Jeff its nice to read some honest stories on here. :good:


I'm always honest about my shooting..much to the amusement of my mates sometimes :rolleyes:

You still using your Archer to great effect Ryan?


nice and honest jeff fair play they don't always go down on the first shot but its not long before another hunk of led is on its way . lovely fox nice coat on him


Cheers Andy,he was a bruiser alright,just glad i had the chance of the 2nd shot quickly to end it for him :yes:

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Cheers Mark..still need another 3 ;)



Thanks Mitch




I'm always honest about my shooting..much to the amusement of my mates sometimes :rolleyes:

You still using your Archer to great effect Ryan?


Yea still using it Jeff just come in from an hour out with it. Never shot a fox with it yet as I never really see them on my permissions but shot litterally 1000's of rabbits with it.



Cheers Andy,he was a bruiser alright,just glad i had the chance of the 2nd shot quickly to end it for him :yes:

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