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Comb raising


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Not South Wales but I would take a trip down the M5 to Dennis at UK Gun Repairs well worth the trip, I would got for an adjustable comb rather than a bend, more flexible to change (you gain loose weight etc), less risk to the stock of cracking (all smiths do it at your own risk!)



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I Was given a rubber comb raiser, and one made of leather (I Think)..

I put it on t, the rubber one with elastic bands (wide), fits a treat, really cheap option, and it works..

Nothing permanent of course, but works a treat: it had been glued on ,, the rubber one but de-glued it and as I say elastic bands..

Just a thought for you.

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I have just weighed a Graco 870 kit that I'm waiting to get fitted and the whole lot, including the two alan keys, weighs 63 grams. So say 1 1/2 oz or less. That much weight would make a difference on the end of the barrel but I doubt you'll notice it in the stock.

Edited by poorpeet
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Thanks all for the help and feed-back.

My first pot of call was a local chap who does fantastic stock/wood work. I wanted him to do it as his work in the past has been wonderful, great local reputation. He was not happy to do it because or the stock bolt ( 'it would revert to its original position')

However I've rung the recommended names above (and Teague) and they all recon they can do it ok. They all have great reputations so I'm spoilt for choice. Price around £80

I think I would like a permanent solution. Also a bit worried that a pad would push my head to one side. Barring accidents I hope this gun will see me out!

Thanks all for the help,


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