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Best Barrel cleaner to use


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I use the tiniest amount of Browning Legia spray. Works for me.


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Same here. I keep toying with having a go with the clenzoil products but i have used Legia red and green for years and does the job well so havent been persuaded to change yet. You don't need a lot and it lasts for ages.

My gun doesn't smell right unless it's had a squirt of green on the wood!

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Yes Matt, once you snake your barrels out then work the froglube until it removes it, I put some fl one a bronze brush on the cleanin rod into a cordless drill and give it a minute or two then check to see if it's clean, if it's not repeat until its gone, the instruction vids on YouTube say to use a hair dryer to heat the barrels but I just use the drill to generate the heat, once you've cleaned your entire gun with fl you'll only need to snake it and rub it down to leave it spotless, Froglube cleans and protects in a way you'll never have seen before.

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Another vote for Hoppes 009! I use it in my rifles and it does a very satisfactory job - Not quite as smelly as some that I have used!

I have some Sweet's 7.62 Solvent but have yet to use it as it stinks to high heavens but I am told that it will deep clean a barrel and remove any copper fouling very efficiently!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have used Youngs 303 for 40 years ...... and I started using it on the recommendation of someone who had used it for many years before then. Cleans powder residue etc well and gives an excellent corrosion resistance. I believe its good for corrosion protection because it is slightly alkaline, so combating the ever present airborne acids and other corrosive substances (such as sulphur compounds from exhaust fumes and smoke) as well as acids left by primer and powder residue (which as minimal with modern ammunition).


Anyway, I have been very pleased with it.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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