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Don't need statistics just need to opens eyes to see what is happening to the country


its called "choosing not to see" its a refusal to recognise danger (till its to late). whilst I dont do it now, until fairly recently I traveled regularly with my work to London,I usually stayed at the Novotell Paddington the trip from kings x was like a scene from rourkes drift, then when in the hotel NO member of staff was English or British for that matter! French receptionist's and manager, East Europeans serving the dining facilities, east Asian's such as Indonesians serving as chambermaids and bar staff, then if I fancied a walk out to say little venice or praed street, or god forbid go over to queensway, I really did feel I was in a foreign country, mind boggling and unless you have seen it truly unbelievable.


Yes immigrants only make up a small percentage of us but they have colonised areas, these area's are now like enclaves from whence they came, rather than a spot of England that they chose to live in, now this is no problem to most as it does not as yet truly affect them, but to be indigenous white English in the likes of say luton Or Leicester, you must feel very vulnerable and very much in the minority, this surely is not what "multiculturalism" was meant to be.


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A fine example is the Jewish population - pretty much fully integrated, excepting their religeon which they tend to keep to themselves and private. Massive cultural contribution to the country they have adopted and whilst they tend to stick together they dont do so to the exclusion of the host population.

Very big Jewish community round here and as you say they are good neighbours. You don't find Jewish kids hanging round the town centre at night trying to mug you for your mobile phone.

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its called "choosing not to see" its a refusal to recognise danger (till its to late). whilst I dont do it now, until fairly recently I traveled regularly with my work to London,I usually stayed at the Novotell Paddington the trip from kings x was like a scene from rourkes drift, then when in the hotel NO member of staff was English or British for that matter! French receptionist's and manager, East Europeans serving the dining facilities, east Asian's such as Indonesians serving as chambermaids and bar staff, then if I fancied a walk out to say little venice or praed street, or god forbid go over to queensway, I really did feel I was in a foreign country, mind boggling and unless you have seen it truly unbelievable.


Yes immigrants only make up a small percentage of us but they have colonised areas, these area's are now like enclaves from whence they came, rather than a spot of England that they chose to live in, now this is no problem to most as it does not as yet truly affect them, but to be indigenous white English in the likes of say luton Or Leicester, you must feel very vulnerable and very much in the minority, this surely is not what "multiculturalism" was meant to be.



For once dear boy i agree 100% with you. In fairness, Leicester has avoided major race riots etc.


Here in Leeds, the jewish population has indeed integrated as has much of the sikh and Indian community.


Canis & Canthitrabbits agree with your comments as well. Multiculturalism does not and will not work.

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