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full choke and open choke


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All this choke stuff is a load of bull, do like our wildfowling club secretary did and hacksaw the barrels off at 30 degrees and get rid of all choke. Didn't aid his shooting but the but the 3" he cut off appears at several shooting shows. :lol:

I don't make enough money to cut my beretta barrel down lol, suppose I could always weld them back on if I don't like it :lol:

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Use 3/4 and full, did have 3/8 nd 3/4 but found high tower or long range was a bit chippy. I wouldn't mind that angled cut idea.... Makes perfect sense, you can use it as a spear for when you run out of carts, use it as a hidepole, use it to see how fast the shot is going at the muzzle, create enough swing and the bit that's left will cup the shot and fling it in another direction.

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Regardless of choke used the pattern does not open out until 16 yds so in reality a 25 yd bird shot with a cylinder choke is probably hit with something in the region of a 1/2 choke.


The PATTERN starts to spread out and develop as soon as the lead pellets and the wad have passed through the choked section of the barrel


A bird hit at 25 yds with a cylinder choked gun CANNOT be hit with "SOMETHING IN THE REGION OF A 1/2 CHOKE"


You are misunderstanding things

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Tightchoke, I have over the years done extensive pattern plate testing on several makes of over n unders` using several makes of cartridges n different chokes. Cylinder choke averaged out at half choke patterrn over 24 mtrs. I do understand. but would like you to prove me wrong. These were not sceintific tests but for my own use in my guns but to help me understand that particular gun n the way it shot with a paticular shell n particular choke.


The pattern starts to spread on exit of the choked section. ********. ask any gunsmith the distance you stand from steel pattern plate n they will say 16 yds to check gunfit. a further 8 yds and the pattern will not have open very much. yes some pellets open out but not as you wolud like to believe. Barry

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Well Barry


I too have spent loads of time at the pattern plate to the point of working out what shell and which Briley choke suited my competitive Clay Pigeon shooting.


I have had a pattern as tight as 8" out to 36" depending upon each of the variables.


Lead pellets start to spread as soon as they and the shotcup have left the choked portion of the barrel.


Are you aware of the TULIP chokes used for skeet shooting many years ago?


Please don't suggest that I'm posting ******** as that is NOT the case.


You state that your tests were "NOT scientific" do a little reading and study the physics of what is happening after the primer is fired.

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1/2 and 3/4 for me.

Don't get wrapped up in chokes. Iv seen people changing chokes coz they think the clay there shooting is to high. Then miss and blame the chokes. Lol.

If youre shot is in the right Place you're going to hit what you're shooting at.

Well said. :good:

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Guys i have been struggling with closer targets presented when roosting.


I have an AYA3 with first barrell full choke and second 1/2 choke. Fixed chokes.


I don't want to use this as a scapegoat for my poor shooting but do you think the choke on the first barrell especially will not be helping?


I know I need more practise but any guidance on whether this will be having a noticeable impact compared to a more 'forgiving' setup?


Perhaps I should try using the 1/2 choke barrell first and see if there is an improvement?


Not sure the Missus would be that open to the idea of buying another gun!


Any guidance lads would be helpful.

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Not sure how your first barrel can be Full and second 1/2 as it makes more sense the other way round. I take it your gun is a double trigger, in which case even 1/2 is too much for close shots, meaning less than 25 yards or so. Try the more open barrel first, Full can be very useful on a distant retreating shot or perhaps where they're not properly committed to coming in and remain high.

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tightchoke i apolagise for ******** comment,we could rant all day on the choking /pattern plate stuff but i will close it there. I shoot thousands of pigeons per year,loadsa duck etc and once was a lowly A class clay target shooter, have won lots of 50 birders including one where i was high gun beating at least four Scottish team members.Im not really interested in the sceintific side of shooting but like to know if my chosen shell does the bizz Hull soverign and mirage steel through 3/8 n 5/8 choke does it for everything. Ishoot out to 45 yds with confidence and at close range at woodies i have neverin 45 yrs shooting retrieved a bird that was badly shot. Most pigeons shot have a very low count of shot. Barry

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tightchoke i apolagise for ******** comment,we could rant all day on the choking /pattern plate stuff but i will close it there. I shoot thousands of pigeons per year,loadsa duck etc and once was a lowly A class clay target shooter, have won lots of 50 birders including one where i was high gun beating at least four Scottish team members.Im not really interested in the sceintific side of shooting but like to know if my chosen shell does the bizz Hull soverign and mirage steel through 3/8 n 5/8 choke does it for everything. Ishoot out to 45 yds with confidence and at close range at woodies i have neverin 45 yrs shooting retrieved a bird that was badly shot. Most pigeons shot have a very low count of shot. Barry


I'll accept your apology and as you wish to leave it there will happily comply! :good:

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