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A "short" semi auto?


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I'd have though something with a 24" or 26" barrel would be the shortest.


How tall is the cabinet inside? I presume that will dictate how big a gun you can get in, unless you put in sideways!


From front edge to top corner is about 82cm.


I also have a breakdown cabinet,and have a semi auto I just remove the butt everytime I put it away :yes: not that much of a faff :no: works for me :good: BB


How difficult is that? I'm pretty handy so tools no problem at all just interested on time to do this.


This might be a stupid question but can you do this with any gun?


Drill a hole in the top if the cabinet where the barrel can stick through. :good:

Doh. Didn't think of that ;)

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My beretta 391 breaks down easy. Undo the knurled nut on the end of the foreend, and the entire barrel slides out nicely, leaving you with the stock / action, and the barrel & gas piston. I havent measured the length of the longest bit, but id have thought that it would have fitted a breakdown cabinet easily.

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