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Does a 4x4 exist that does 40+mpg?


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Just wondering if there's a 4x4 that does at least 40mpg? I have a car allowance per month from work and can have anything I want as long as it does at least 40mpg, that way all my fuel is paid for by work for private use as well as work.


As you can imagine this saves me a wedge over the year and with the allowance I get means I make a few quid extra per month too. I have a 08 Megane that I can chop in against a motor or sell for cash to fund a 4x4 if there's one out there!


What dya reckon peeps?





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my early xtrail (112bhp) would do high thirties round the doors and mid forties on a run (2003)


53 onwards they changed to DCI 136bhp engines mine (07) would get just under 30 round the doors and high 30's on a run


people with the 53 onwards model might give you another figure


Beardo has one



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