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Pigeon shooting wanted

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Sadly, if people knew landowners with pigeon shooting they would be using it themselves. You aren't going to get much help on here (not that we aren't helpful but we all want more permissions).


Try driving around your local area. Look for pigeon activity and then go and find the local landowner(s). Offer your services as pest control/crop protection and see what they say. Don't expect them to all offer you shooting, if at all. You are a complete stranger to them and they have to put a lot of trust and faith in you to give you permission. Some may not want shooting on their land and others might already have people shooting them.


Last resort could be to pay for it or shoot at a local lcay club and try to tap up other shooters. Personal recommendations or invites to other peoples permissions are a good start. You area will have some game shoots so they will probably be off limits.


You say you have a certificate etc. - does that include insurance? People tend to like to know how experienced you are etc as that can help as well.


Good luck with it.

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There's none going spare around my part of Wiltshire. Plenty of pigeon but all taken and mostly only shot at week-ends.

I have even heard of prices being mentioned for ground I shot for crop protection before the sons took over the farms from their fathers.

Good luck with your door knocking.

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It's easy mate.

Never knock on a farm house door with Camo on or in a car that looks like you want to play in the mud.

Knock on your own not with a group of Camo wearing gorillas.

Have a CV type letter with your info on.

Eg your insurance and your happy to shoot mid week.

Good luck mate

Keep them dropping.


Ps look smart and clean don't forget your asking a farmer that doesn't know you to walk around his land with a GUN

Edited by David 686
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It's easy mate.

Never knock on a farm house door with Camo on or in a car that looks like you want to play in the mud.

Knock on your own not with a group of Camo wearing gorillas.

Have a CV type letter with your info on.

Eg your insurance and your happy to shoot mid week.

Good luck mate

Keep them dropping.


Ps look smart and clean don't forget your asking a farmer that doesn't know you to walk around his land with a GUN


This advice wants pinning, and everytime some one asks for land to shoot over just pop this up. Just add ,do the foot work /door knocking at the begining of the post,





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