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Idiots At Worsley


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I thought I'll stick my ore in :lol: it's peaceful at my club on a week days , like most clubs probably .

So when your shooting on a weekends BE PREPARED for anyone and everyone to turn up and shoot as its there day off as well. Shot at worsley the other Sunday for my first comp very , very busy , but all very well mannered bunch of shooters ,well most of them , as you will always get one or two dumb dumbs :lol:

So the point is if you want to shoot in a peaceful and tranquil surrounding do it on a weekday :D

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I thought I'll stick my ore in :lol: it's peaceful at my club on a week days , like most clubs probably .

So when your shooting on a weekends BE PREPARED for anyone and everyone to turn up and shoot as its there day off as well. Shot at worsley the other Sunday for my first comp very , very busy , but all very well mannered bunch of shooters ,well most of them , as you will always get one or two dumb dumbs :lol:

So the point is if you want to shoot in a peaceful and tranquil surrounding do it on a weekday :D


Indeed if I'm going to worsley on my own I usually do it on a Wednesday or get there 1 hour before closing time

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Man up then.If someone did that to me i would have chucked their piece on the floor and replaced it back with mine.If he/she then wanted a go,i would have straight arm clothe lined them to the throat leaving them in a heap.Man up,or i call bull ****.


That is quite possibly the stupidest post I've seen on PW! Try that one with me bud and expect to be in court on an assault charge.


I would most certainly have said something, but throwing a gun around and then assaulting them? Really? I don't know about man up, try GROW UP!

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If someone had removed my gun from the rack and put it on the floor, I would have A, asked who had done it. B, Politly asked him to put it back in the rack. C, Reported the illmannered cretin to the management. Theres not many blokes want to get inside my pants, so the shoulder creeper is not normally a problem for me. from Auntie. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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sorry but I have never seen such comments and irresponsible attitude from shooters if you are going round and going to give some one a smack on the nose you don't deserve a certificate




yip is this not called armed assault?? which would/should result in bye bye cert???

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if someone was stood that close to you open you gun and turn around and either tell him what aftershave your wearing or say do you mind not breathing on the back of my neck like that as it reminds me of my old cell mate big albert :whistling:


honestly if some one was invading your personal space to that extent why didnt you say do you mind backing off a bit? at the end of the day all the person was trying to do was see how much lead your were giving the clay but i agree it can be very un-nerving one thing i am not a fan of is people who insist on silence behind them in the stand but are quite happy to talk loudly about last nights supper to their mate whilst your shooting :no:


either that or its an opportune moment to "vent off" last nights vindaloo and 8 pints of real ale ;)

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Don't think I'll bother with Worsley again, what with all the idiots, tripping hazards, fights, heavy breathing etc, etc, I don't think I'm brave enough.


Will go somewhere else but I'm not saying where just in case the OP or his idiots follow me.


Mr Potter


PS I knew that Brian Clegg was a trouble maker, didn't know he was a smart a**e as well.... :whistling::lol: :lol: :whistling::lol: :lol:

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PS I knew that Brian Clegg was a trouble maker, didn't know he was a smart a**e as well....


i hear he is a good coach too, well i hope so as i am planning a lesson or two off him this year ;)


****** is was gonna keep that quiet lol ;)

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lol dont try fishing as a many a quiet afternoons fly fishing had been interupted by some norbert shouting at me from the other side of the loch/lake "ere mate what fly you got on?" or "whatcha catch that on?" granted some days i will of taken said norbert with me lol ;)

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If someone had removed my gun from the rack and put it on the floor, I would have A, asked who had done it. B, Politly asked him to put it back in the rack. C, Reported the illmannered cretin to the management. Theres not many blokes want to get inside my pants, so the shoulder creeper is not normally a problem for me. from Auntie. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Ha ha Auntie you just never know, there is someone for everyone out there and after that comment you just guaranteed that the good folks who know will now crowd your shoulder in the stand.


Seriously if I felt that way about a club and its members I would just find another club.

I enjoy my shooting and meeting others at grounds and having a natter waiting to shoot in a group, politely have a word with the offender and enjoy rest of your shoot.



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Is there a standard etiquette which one can refer to? Every sport has them.


Yes. We have some etiquettes in Essex.

  • If you are heading for straighting a stand, then on the last pair someone will say "looks like he is gonna get all of these" very loudly behind you, which normally makes you miss them both.
  • If you miss all the clays on one stand, you have to do the next stand with your winky hanging out (or your foo-foo if a lady)
  • Boost your scores by insisting that you "chipped" every clay that you missed. In the end your group will be so bored with your protestations that they will let you score whatever you want.
  • If you chip a clay, about three people in your group will shout "chiiiiipppeeee" in a high pitched voice.
  • If you are shooting at Copfurn, you will always ask Darren in the scores hut how his boyfriend is. If Darren is wearing his green fishing dungarees you will ask him which Tellytubbie he is.
  • Clay grounds are not judged on their targets or scenery, but how nice the burgers are and how big the boobs are on the woman that serves them.
  • If you see someone dressed head to toe in every bit of Krieghoff clothing (hat, gloves, skeet vest, glasses etc) generally they can't shoot and it will be worth watching them just to scoff loudly at any missed birds.
  • Any able bodied shooter that has one of those shotgun slips that incorporates a golf bag mechanism with legs, has either got more money than sense or is a frustrated golfer and this therefore very likely to be a shirt lifter.
  • Never stand too close to Bagsy when it is damp under foot, he wears special shooting "slick" shoes with no grip and he might break out into a trip/slip/dance which is known as the "Bagsy shuffle".
  • If you are a bit rubbish, but want to play mind games with your squad, put safety pins with little corners of paper on the back of your skeet vest. They will think that you are a competition shooter and they are sure to miss more clays as a result.

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Some of the responses, advocating aggression, violence, or unsafe behaviour, are beyond belief.

Holders of gun licences are supposed to be responsible and safe under any circumstances.

None of the circumstances described have been life threatening, or even remotely serious.


If you have trouble controlling your temper, I suggest you keep you thoughts to yourself and off a public access Forum.

I am not removing any posts, but I think the thread has run its course.

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