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How do you motivate yourself for work in the morning ?


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Didn't have to go into work, so your not getting paid for it? Or was there no shooting to do.


You were bitching and moaning last year and could wait to retire till they put you on permanent days for your last few months then all of a sudden your working on and going in when you don't have to, hmmm.


As for I'm grateful for what my job has given me, iirc you told everybody your job give you two false knees because of the climbing up and down all shift and you glow in the dark :lol:


I've seen the lass's attributes in your office :drool: I'd go in for free when not needed also :good:




I find a quick check of my bank "shooting"funds gets my ***** of the mattress.


Or the soup dragons nagging sharp gets me out the door.





Seems as though there is a bit of jealousy towards kdubya :rolleyes::whistling:

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Seems as though there is a bit of jealousy towards kdubya :rolleyes::whistling:


:lol: Thought he might have bit and replied Hawkeye, he will be saving it up to torture me next time he sees me.


Mind what I wrote is true,he must glow in the dark working there that long, the girl in the office is a darling :whistling:


Got a good number now and he's not as tetchy now he's not working shifts.



Edited by figgy
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The way I see it, jobs are thin on the ground. If I don't do it, there will be many young folk that would take my place for a hell of a lot less money.


Things went pear shaped for me around 4 years ago, lost house, nice motors etc. I've a wife and three kids to support, and I never want to put them in that position ever again. We are renting at the mo, actually in a much nicer house, right on the farm where I shoot and love it here. Would like to own my own house again soon. That's what motivates me.


Kind regard


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