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Frustrating Friday.

pigeon controller

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Following a phone call on Thursday we headed off to a rape field that we have not shot this season. The call stated two hundred plus pigeons ignoring the gas guns. When we arrived there were twenty in the trees so we walked down hitting one as they left, we then waited for fortyfive minutes nill return, so we left to keep looking. As we were out and about we passed a farm that we have not shot for at least ten years as we used to shoot the pigeons on the brussel sprouts but the farmer stopped growing them. He has now planted rape with a few birds on it but plenty of kites, gas guns and hawk kites. We had a chat and he remembered us and promised to give us a ring if he has a problem in the future. We went back to the rape we shot last week only to find zero birds but we could see lots of birds in the distance which we tried to find last week but the fog prevented us. So we set out, we went to the first farm which we thought it was and the farmers wife was very helpful but they did not own the rape. She took our cards as she had a rabbit problem sometimes and said she would contact us again. The one thing she did give us was the farmers name. In the mean time I had a text from the first farm of the morning, " eighty pigeons in the trees by the pond" . We drove to the farm and talked to the farmer but he insisted that he had just been down to the field and it had no birds on it, also he had shooters on his land and he did not need any more. We drove off the view his field in case they had moved back to our permission, no such luck . As we were going to leave two other shooters arrived to shoot the rape and we left saying help yourselves.


We drove back to the first farm to find about fifty in the trees it was now 13.00 so we set up and waited for whatever returned they came back in a tight flock a few times which allowed us to have some shooting and we ended the day picking up thirtyfive.


It was a frustrating day but we had put some cards about, regained some old shoots and shot some pigeons, so it was a good day in the end.



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Reading between the lines, you don't sound too happy about the day.

Sounds like a successful day to me, in one way or another.

I was wondering ? f I had shot in that position where you are, I know full well that one or two or even more, pigeon would have landed in that water.

Did you have any fall in it ?


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Reading between the lines, you don't sound too happy about the day.

Sounds like a successful day to me, in one way or another.

I was wondering ? f I had shot in that position where you are, I know full well that one or two or even more, pigeon would have landed in that water.

Did you have any fall in it ?


As I said a t the end of the piece it was a good day in the end. The frustration was that we had found a field which had lots of pigeon on it but the farmer could not see them. with respect to the other question the hide was this side of the water next to a cropped willow tree so all the hit birds fel on the rape field, thanks for your interest.


Frustrating maybe - but you had a decent bag for this time of year and have widened your contacts and potential opportunities for the future. Nice write up as well.


Yes, as I said at the end it was a good day in the end.

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