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17hmr bad amo


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Does anyone have problems. With hornady vmax bluetip. I have a cz455 and I have had 4 heads stick in the barrel. No powder just went click it is a real pain if you have not got a rod to knock the bullet head out with. As the case. Has been ejected.would. Like to know if it is just me.

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A mate of mine 2 weeks ago put 23 of them through his cz with no problems -

It was the 24th one that left the bullet 6" up the barrel as the rear of the case blew out on the rim scaring the hell out of him, and cracking the stock ! He's not happy and was planning to write to hornady.

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I used them a lot when i had my HMR and never had a jam from any of them. Had a quite a few with bad split cases after firing though which made for a duff discharge of that round. Iv put it in for 1 for 1 variation now and having a .22Lr instead as it will suit my needs better. And to be honest i began to think .17 ammo is getting more an more unreliable as the months go on.



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I've had no problems ever with Hornady or any other .17HMR ammunition. If I did I would take it back straightaway and ask the RFD to swap it for some rounds from a completely different batch. Or ask for my money back.

Other folk have had problems and it's well documented on the web.

Edited by Whitebridges
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This is an ongoing issue with HMR, no brands are immune as far as I'm aware, I have many split cases from various manufacturers, possibly a related problem, but so far nothing stuck in the barrel!


Currently I have large stocks of Hornady Blue and they are performing well, fingers crossed!



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I had exactly the same problem with my batch of blue tip hornady. I had changed my scope and was 're zeroing at the range when 'click' , ejected the case and it still full of powder and the bullet head just stuck in the rifling. The next day I emailed Edgar brothers, the importers , they requested that I give the all the batch numbers of the boxes I had and where I brought them from. Email came back saying take all 600 rounds to my rfd where they will be replaced with a different batch of hornady. Since I have this batch I have no problems at all , happy day's.



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