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You can`t transfer a scope from one rifle to another and expect it to be at the same POI.


Start again by winding the adjusters from one stop to the other counting the clicks,then set them at 1/2 way.

Try a set of 5 shots and adjust Left/right and up/down then try another set of 5 and so on until you can put 90% of shots into a 2p coin sized target at 30m,and don`t even think of trying it on live quarry until you can.

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the top adjustment wheel has left written on it, and the side adjustment wheel has up written on it,




The first thing i would try is to put the scope on the right way round..... :angry::good:


Top adjustment should be up & down


side adjustment should be left & right :D:lol:

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Have a tinker and at first see if you can get the impact point onto your card, then go from there. If you can't, then you may have to put something between the scope mounts and rifle (like film negative). There was an article about this in airgunner the other month if I remember correctly. In the meantime just try with the turrets, move them initally about 5 clicks a time and keep going until you hit the middle, then practice and bobs yer uncle =)



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You can`t transfer a scope from one rifle to another and expect it to be at the same POI.


Start again by winding the adjusters from one stop to the other counting the clicks,then set them at 1/2 way.

Try a set of 5 shots and adjust Left/right and up/down then try another set of 5 and so on until you can put 90% of shots into a 2p coin sized target at 30m,and don`t even think of trying it on live quarry until you can.


well spotted that man.


if your gun is shooting low and to the right then you need to adjust the scope up and to the left with the turrets. but first of all,


make sure the scope is in the clamps the right way round,


make sure the scope is in the clamps tightly and is not moving arround


make sure the clamps are tight on the gun and there not moving about.


make sure the barrel on the gun is clean and not bent, "new gun" or is it asecond hand one.


dont just suspect the scope eliminate other things to.


good luck kipper :ernyha:

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Please take care not to over tighten the upper scope clamp bolts, you want the scope clamped but you can very easily crush the scope tube. Start either side of the mount, then do the opposite corner (viewed from the top if you did the left rear bolt first, do the front right bolt next) and work that way. Its hard to describe what tightness should be, but "nipped up" seems best :ernyha:

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Please take care not to over tighten the upper scope clamp bolts, you want the scope clamped but you can very easily crush the scope tube. Start either side of the mount, then do the opposite corner (viewed from the top if you did the left rear bolt first, do the front right bolt next) and work that way. Its hard to describe what tightness should be, but "nipped up" seems best :drinks:


Pin your so wright, this is deadly, i have done this before on my bushnel trophy, man i was ****** of :ernyha:

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the top adjustment wheel has left written on it, and the side adjustment wheel has up written on it,




The first thing i would try is to put the scope on the right way round..... ;):lol:


Top adjustment should be up & down


side adjustment should be left & right :lol::no:



HAWKEY.........................Im with you...........just read that thread and though................EHHHHHHHHH?;)??


Has he bought some ex Irish Special Forces scope or something..


:ernyha::drinks::stupid: :o :D :o

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:good::good::angry::good: PELLET TUB! make sure you can get a 2p grouping at least before you shoot at live quarry!.... :good::lol::lol::lol:



Well, its a very small tub, bulldog, and the lid aint all that big, but errrr, to do what you say to do im gonna need a better method, my gun is quite heavy and keeping it steady is a pain, need to think of some way to hold it in 1 exact position each time i make an adjustment to the wheels or it all seems pointless, any advice there would be appreciated guys, i do have a workbench and vice but that seems a bit of an awkward way to do it, how much are these bipods ive heard all about ??

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surely the answer here is, go buy a bi-pod,


whats the point of a sand bag or bench and vice if you cant hold the rifle steady enough when shooting live quarry

buy a bi-pod and it can be used on shoots and at home shooting targets, unless you want to lug a sandbag around the fields, if not DONT SHOOT LIVE QUARRY

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Can I just add here....If you set your scope using a bipod then your pellet should hit the crosshairs regardless later of whether your standing/sitting/kneeling at the set range (unless its a springer)...so really surely its just a case of refining your shooting technique? I always set my scopes on the bipod then go out in the field without it....simply because I find it a pain in the backside to use a bipod in a dirty muddy field and would rather be sitting or even standing....

(correct me if Im wrong please) Its just the last few posts have left me a tad confused and we do seem to have deviated from the point :stupid:



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Having shot lots or live rounds in more positions than I care to remember I would say that shooting position DOES make a difference to impact point. I,m not just talking about that fact its harder to say shoot standing than prone but that the gun is held differently so can move more or less or in a slightly different way. All of this will affect impact. Ok so low recoil guns will be affected less but all guns have SOME recoil.




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Can I just add here....If you set your scope using a bipod then your pellet should hit the crosshairs regardless later of whether your standing/sitting/kneeling at the set range (unless its a springer)...so really surely its just a case of refining your shooting technique? I always set my scopes on the bipod then go out in the field without it....simply because I find it a pain in the backside to use a bipod in a dirty muddy field and would rather be sitting or even standing....

(correct me if Im wrong please) Its just the last few posts have left me a tad confused and we do seem to have deviated from the point :stupid:





I have to disagree. Look at the lads targets, with and without. He's a good shot by the looks, he is off by roughly the same amount down each time he shoots without.


As I said before, the POI with an airgun will be massively affected by how still you are after you pull the trigger. Takes longer for the pellet to get out the barrel than it would for other guns. Stance and resting will have a lot of impact (no pun intended) on where the pellet goes no matter where you were pointing when you pulled the trigger.

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