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homemade nightvision evo,s


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thanks for the comments guy,s


one thing is for sure all the time and effort has been worth it when I hear davyo,s comments, it truelly opened my eyes once I started tinkering with the night vision homebuilds.Belly47(lee) whom I built a kit for and is now also smacking rabbits out to over 100yrds


I was doing all my shooting of a day and one thing I noticed is I had to learn the field craft of sneaking up on bunnies as quickly as possible because one false move and they where off.


now since I started building night vision kits and experimenting with probably every camera out their be it bullet cam or board cams it is an unbelievable experience when shooting by night,


it is a totally different world when out of a night and with infrared nothing knows your there, I have sat in fields watching animals such as badgers,foxes,geese,ducks,rabbits and even the occasional tom cat having a mooch,


these things where not happening during the day, I even watched 3 fox cubs playing for 2 hours whilst their parents sat and watched from over 200yrds away it truelly opens up your shooting world,


as for a novice building one ,,sure you can with a little bit of patience and time its pretty easy , all the hard work has been done now lol.


give it a go, you will be amazed what appears of a night and spooks you


enjoy all


cheers Bob (evo)


special thanks must also go to the lads on the other forum who got me tinkering with torches and lenses and infrared, the only difference with me was I wanted more and more until finally I have a nightvision kit that lets me see to silly distances but doesn't, let the quarry see me special thanks also must go to dave G for his help and time with his torch builds, he has built some fantastic little torches that in my eyes are perfect for air rifles and .22 rimfire distances

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Cheers evo,


It is legendary the work you and the others have put in and really great you've shared the information.


Looking forward to starting on mine in the coming weeks!

nothing better than building your own then going out in the field and shooting your first bunny with your kit,, makes it all worthwhile any probs let me know and I,ll see if I can help


cheers Evo

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Looking at putting my own build together and reading through all the threads I can find. Is there much to choose between the KPC-2190swx and the KPC-EJ230 that Roland has been championing? There's a fair price difference between them. I'm looking to build a rig similar to Evo's and others on here for my air rifle and possibly .22lr which i hope to get with my fac next year. Any alternate cameras you might suggest or are these two the best option without going up to the watec cost. It seemed from Roland's youtube vids that the EJ230 was, if anything better than the watec.


Many thanks.

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for hmr ranges the 230 is excellent but for air rifle,rimfire and also 17hmr then the s190 is more than enough, don't waste your money on a camera that does things you do not need,


if your shooting to 150yrds then the best budget camera is the s190 it is fantastic in low light conditions you don't need any other


atb Evo

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I only ever used Watec 902H's after trying a cheapo camera.


My advice is to splash the cash on the best camera you an find so you don't need to splash as much IR into the bunny eyes you hope won't see it. That's the whole point of night vision - If you use bright Ir light amounts your probably better off just lamping with minimal visible red.


A lot of people don't realise that nocturnal creatures see light twice because it gets reflected back to a membrane then back into the eye again. Rest assured that if you can see eyeshine - those eyes have seen your light twice.


What the bunny decides to do about that depends on any previous experience with similar light - or similar light behaviour. We have all seen Mr Wabbit sat up and stationary? that's him trying to get more info about the light it has seen.



Google tapetum lucidum to get a bit more info on that aspect.



Here's a bit copied and pasted about that:


Did you know that in darkness, cats are capable of seeing clearly in approximately only one-sixth the light needed for human vision? Amazing!!! This whole process allows animal to have sharp vision at low light intensities, especially night. - See more at: http://www.explorecuriocity.org/Content.aspx?contentid=188#sthash.m1pmeSmy.dpNow that we know how the eye works, why is it that animal eyes "glow" in the night? Scientists refer to this phenomenon as "eye shine" or retroreflection. Retroreflection depends on the tapetum lucidum, also known "bright-carpet"; a mirror-like, reflective tissue found behind the retina of an animal's eye. Essentially, light rays that enter the eye are returned in the direction from which they came and the tapetum lucidum gives the eye a second chance to absorb as much light reflected by the retina. The light that is not absorbed is reemitted and gives rise to an eerie glow or "eye shine". Unlike animals, humans lack this reflective layer, so when bright lights hit our eyes, like the light from a flashlight, we don't see any sort of reflection


Those rigs look good Bob.

Edited by Dave-G
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dave ,yes I understand where your coming from regards the amount of infrared but the lad wants a camera (budget) that he can use for air rifle ranges, I saw no difference(except price) between the watec and s190swx to distances upto 100mtrs other than you can adjust the watec and not the s190,


the main difference was price ,, yes the watec is more than 3x the price of the s190swx and it wont do a better job upto 100mtrs,


I would also use the 230 before my watec 902h , Rolaids even puts the 230 above the watec in performance,


if anyone wants a budget priced camera that will do the job too 100yrds and more then the s190swx is cheap and more than capable of doing the job and in tests that I have done this camera beats a lot out there for the same money band(yes I have over 30 cameras here that I have tested) and I have never had a problem with bunnies legging it when I use my setups,


I agree too much light can spook rabbits but a red led running at 650nm will spook a rabbit before an oslon black ir running at 850nm would, and yes I have proven this in the field, I have also proven that they can see the 850nm as well but do not spook as much, with the 650nm the don't always spook but that is down to the mood they are in and how often they are getting shot at but they can certainly see both leds,


I have also proved that using the T20 with a widened beam does not spook them as I have shown numerous shooters I have taken to my perms to test my kits


so as said if he wants a camera that will do the job he wants doing then look no further than the s190swx , cheap and more than adequate for the job in hand, with either a 501b or a T20


if he needs a camera to shoot further distances then the 230 is the one I would use


atb Evo

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The 190 will be spot on for your air rifle and rimmy as evo says.I only ended up with the ej230 because the company i ordered my 190 from thought they had 190's in stock but infact it had sold out,so they offered me an ej230 with a £20 discount.The ej230 is a cracking camera so i wasnt disapointed.It appears that when evos thread was at its peak you couldnt get hold of a 190 anywhere.And when it did become available, the price jumped up.It would be interesting to see the sales figures for this camera.

I am surprised the company evo was recomending didnt sent him some free stuff the amount of business he put their way.The guy has put so much work into this the least they could of done is funded his research and send him loads of bits They must of made a fortune.

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Sorry bob, bad wording on my part just before I went to work at 6.30 pm.


I weren't meaning get a Watec, just some might want to skimp on a camera but dig a bit deeper than sometimes intended on whatever cam to be able to use a bit less IR.


flamin dyslexia. :blush:

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Thanks for the replies and help guys, once I have a bit more time away from work I'll get working on a build for my air rifle. After that, my girlfriend wants a spotter system for just looking around the farm at night so I'll be looking at a scopeless setup built as a single unit thats easy to handle. Should be interesting.

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Just a quick one. If you have a bullet camera, how do you know you can change the lens for a 12 or 16mm? I'm looking at cameras without IR built in, so can all bullet cameras that have been designed for CCTV see infra red light? I read that digital cameras can't see IR so thought maybe certain bullet cams can't either?

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Just a quick one. If you have a bullet camera, how do you know you can change the lens for a 12 or 16mm? I'm looking at cameras without IR built in, so can all bullet cameras that have been designed for CCTV see infra red light? I read that digital cameras can't see IR so thought maybe certain bullet cams can't either?

Don't skimp on you camera mate try and get hold of the 190 or failing that the EJ230 .I tried a 12mm lens at 1st which was ok but i wanted to fill the whole screen so stepped up to a 16mm.On both cameras the outer lens cover (waterproof) screws off and you get access to the lens, the lens is secured with a tiny grub screw so you will need a set of watchmakers drives £1 - £2.50.Once the grub screw is loose (be careful not to undo to much or you will lose it) the lens will then screw off.

Edited by Davyo
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Don't skimp on you camera mate try and get hold of the 190 or failing that the EJ230 .I tried a 12mm lens at 1st which was ok but i wanted to fill the whole screen so stepped up to a 16mm.On both cameras the outer lens cover (waterproof) screws off and you get access to the lens, the lens is secured with a tiny grub screw so you will need a set of watchmakers drives £1 - £2.50.Once the grub screw is loose (be careful not to undo to much or you will lose it) the lens will then screw off.


Ok, thanks Davyo :) I think I'm going to be buying the bits a little at a time, can't afford everything at once. I ordered the 501b torch last night. Who do I need to contact to modify this to make it my IR illuminator?

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Ok, thanks Davyo :) I think I'm going to be buying the bits a little at a time, can't afford everything at once. I ordered th2e 501b torch last night. Who do I need to contact to modify this to make it my IR illuminator?

Pm evo he can put you in contact with the right people for the IR, I aleady had an NM800, so it ws cheaper for me to just by an IR LED in a spare neck.But some lads out there build some cracking torches to cover all budgets.

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Evo....have you tried the kpc-e700 camera,meant to be a minibox version of the 230 (I think)


Some say it's better than a 902h other's say not

yes mate its a cracking little camera, it uses the same chip as the EJ 230 so its basically the same,


cheers Bob

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yes mate its a cracking little camera, it uses the same chip as the EJ 230 so its basically the same,


cheers Bob

Cheers bob,I'm in the market for a new cam at some point,was thinking of getting another 902h as I like the simple plug and play but now the price is £124+post I don't think I want to spend that much,might go for the kpc instead.

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Cheers bob,I'm in the market for a new cam at some point,was thinking of getting another 902h as I like the simple plug and play but now the price is £124+post I don't think I want to spend that much,might go for the kpc instead.

in my tests and Rolaids we both found the EJ 230 performed better than the 902h watec although there was not much differenceand performance wise hard to seperate,, its also cheaper if you look around but for distances upto 150 yrds i found that the s190 is an excellent camera and for the price they are excellent value for money, good luck with whatever you choose,


to all who have PM,d me please bare with me, i will eventually answer your questions but at present i am up the wall with work commitments day and night and in any spare time i get i am building kits for orders so please accept my appologies if i have not got back to you yet, i will try and answer ALL PM,s asap


cheers Evo

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Hang on, maybe I am stupid after all...


An M20 gland has an internal clamping diameter of 6-12mm... The M20 refers to the outside diameter, not the inside...


So, going that my camera body has a external diameter of 19mm that means I actually required an M32 which has an internal clamping diameter of 18-25mm...


Ah Ha....!!!! I'm off back to eBay land for a while...


Still no idea how to fix it to the silicone tubing tho... :o/

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